Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Cat Acrobat: Skill Translations and Info

Document format of this post can be found here.

Fundamental skills
Dash/Roll: Definite must have
Basic Attack: No skills take advantage of this, though your aerial left click passive does benefit from leveling this. If you use it a lot then it's considerable, sure, but other than that 1 or no point is fine.
Dodge: Doesn't hurt to have.

1st Skill
반달차기 - Half-Moon kick
Cooldown 4.8 seconds (No change LvMAX)
Type: Strike
Kicks enemy into the air. press again for a second kick. A weak skill that does not need to be mastered, it does have a brief invinc frame time at level 11. This is too brief to even consider leveling the skill or getting it though.

1st Awakening: 붕붕킥
A faster two strike roundhouse kick. x2 dmg per kick, skill only needs to be pressed once.

2nd Awakening: 부웅킥
Turns the skill into a single one strike kick, x4 dmg and can move freely upon usage.

2nd Skill
반달차기, 나래숙 - Extended Skill: Half-Moon kick - Winged Dive
Type: Contextual, Strike
Press Q after finishing Half-Moon Kick to execute a drop kick. Early on considerably damaging and useful weak mob super armor breaker, but not worth getting near the end because of its uselessness damage wise and lack of combo efficiency.

3rd Skill
고양이 베기 - Kitty Scratch
Cooldown: 9.5 seconds (6.3 seconds LvMAX)
Type: Slash
Bleed debuff proc rate: 5% per hit
Press 3 times to execute 3 scratch attacks. Chance of bleed per hit of the attack, and deals good damage.

1st Awakening: 왕 할퀴기
Overall damage x3
Turns the skill into one quick Scratch attack that deals 4 hits, but the overall damage is tripled.

2nd Awakening: 발톱 밀기
Third strike becomes a kitty claw beam. The first two hits retain normal damage rate, while the third hit scales x 0.7 damage per hit. Duration of the third skill is 1.4 seconds, with 0.1 second intervals per hit (x0.7 dmg by 14 hits)

4th Skill
5냥살 - 5-strike Nyan
Cooldown: 7.6 seconds (2.5 seconds LvMAX)
Type: Slash x4 Strike x1
A very iffy skill. Deals 5 strikes as the name implies, and can be cancelled or used in conjunction with various other skills. This skill deals weak damage if the enemy has super armor on, but increases a lot if their super armor is broken. It's best used in conjunction with an armor breaking skill to get the full benefit of the damage. With 150% aspd this skill becomes an effective combo chain and easy breaker skill.

1st Awakening: 날랜5냥살
Shock/Stun Debuff
Imbues your last hit with Shock. If the skill is used as a follow up and does over 10hit combo, the enemy will also become stunned.

2nd Awakening: 냥권백열각
Transforms your 5 hit strike into an 8 hit flurry of scratches and kicks. Each additional kick in the skill has a x0.5 multiplier and the final strike deals x2 damage.

고양이 베기 - Kitty Scratch EX
Consumes 1 EX gauge
Type: Slash
Press TAB to activate EX. Use Kitty Scratch to execute.
Worth considering 1 point for invinc frame purposes.

5th Skill
나선묘 - Spiral Meow
Cooldown: 8.4 seconds (5.8 seconds LvMAX)
Defense reduction debuff: 4%
Base Duration: 3 seconds
Increases by 0.5 seconds per level.
Type: Slash
Spins fast like a top for a total of 7 hits and lowers enemy defense by 4%. Duration of the debuff increases as the skill levels up.

1st Awakening: 묘묘묘
Rotation lasts longer and adds 3 additional hits.

2nd Awakening: 묘기 뿅뿅
Changes the skill so you throw 5 distructo discs. Damage per hit is x0.45 damage, each disc lasting 0.6 seconds with 0.15 second intervals between each hit.

6th Skill
특수기, 냐광무 - Special skill, Nyanwan Mew
Cooldown: 20 seconds (5 seconds LvMAX)
Type: Contextual, Strike
When the enemy has been knocked silly, right click to lift off into the air dealing 5 powerful scratches. You gain complete invincibility during this skill. Although the damage is not bad it's worth only leaving 1 point in this skill as very few medium/large mobs end game can be used as a trigger for this skill.

7th Skill
냥냥 우냥섬 - Nyan nyan Unyan
Type: Passive transformation, Slash
Transforms your air attack into a two press claw swipe, dealing 8 hits in total. Provides good float time and combo building/chaining and does good damage. Adding points to your basic attack mastery affects this as it is considered your passive air attack upon learning it, though leaving 1 point in basic attack mastery is more than likely a preferable option.

8th Skill
냐광참! - Nyan Speed!
Cooldown: 17.6 seconds (14.8 LvMAX)
Defense reduction debuff: 3%
Base Duration: 3 seconds
Increases by 0.65 seconds per level.
Type: Slash
Dashes across a large distance leaving an explosion of cat scratches behind. Provides invincibility frames, reduces enemy defense by 3%. Duration increases with skill level.

1st Awakening: 왕 냐광참
Overall damage and range of the skill increases by 30%

2nd Awakening: 냐냐냐광참
Transforms your skill into a weaker two strike attack. Pressing the skill a second time brings you back to your starting position. Overall damage is decreased by 40%. Invincibility frame is also extended.

9th Skill
비천삼각냥조 - Triple-strike Nyanpow
Cooldown: 23.9 seconds (19.7 seconds LvMAX)
Type: Strike
Strikes the enemy with 3 powerful kicks when pressed 3 times, also provides invincibility frames, works in mid air but very hard to execute into a continous combo. Does not break super armor and generally does more when the enemy is lacking super armor.

1st Awakening: 냥냥냥
Transforms your 3 strike 3 press skill into a 4 strike 4 press skill. Level it a 2nd time to Max out at 5 strike 5 press skill. Can obliterate weaker enemy super armor but not to be relied on end game bosses for that purpose.

2nd Awakening: 냐하하하!
Does one powerful slam onto the enemy's head, then uses them to jump far away. Can move anywhere while in falling motion. The total damage of this skill is massive, as all 3 hits are accounted for and increased by x2.8 in one kick, but its a pretty terrible skill for following up or ending with combos.

10th Skill
냥이냥이☆태풍 - Kitty cat☆Hurricane
Cooldown: 21 seconds (10.5 seconds LvMAX)
Bleed debuff proc rate: 5% per hit
Type: Slash
Spins fast, sucking in enemies to you. Excellent mob gathering skill that also does good damage. Each hit has a 5% chance of causing bleed.
This skill is terrible to use on super armored enemies, but in some boss cases it can prove to be an advantage for continuing combo hits. (Some bosses 'burst' into super armor and summon mobs to defend them, using this skill during their burst can prove to be super effective.)

1st Awakening: 냥이냥이대왕태풍
Increases the overall range of kitty cat hurricane by 2M (meters)

2nd Awakening: 냥이냥이드릴드릴
Changes the skill into a torpedo drill of sorts. Loses suction ability, but deals 10 hits and a final swipe. Considerably iffy to use, but good for aerial combo masters.

11th Skill
우냥 섬광극 - Unyan Flash Pole
Cooldown: 33 seconds (17 seconds LvMAX)
Type: Slash, Strike
Rolls up into the air, activating a 4 hit attack followed by a 5th hit super armor-breaking smash. Provides invincibility frames and has some small mob suction as well. This skill has some effective use with 5-strike nyan.

1st Awakening: 우냥섬광극.꽝
Shock/Stun debuff
Final strike of the skill induces shock debuff. If the skill is used as a followup or on multiple mobs and does a 10hit+ chain combo then the enemy becomes stunned as well.

2nd Awakening: 우냥섬광드릴
Turns the skill into a powerful ground drill attack with invinc frames. Initial skill damage is x0.3 per hit, with a 0.05 second interval between hits. The final hit does a total of x2 damage.

냐광참! - Nyan Speed! EX
Consumes 2 EX Gauge
Type: Slash
Press TAB to activate EX. Use Nyan Speed! to execute.
No detail will be added about this skill as it is a skill used purely for invincibility frames. This is an important skill to use to save yourself from skills that would otherwise do you in with one hit. 1 point should be placed in this only.

12th Skill
파갑냥 - Nyan wave
Cooldown: 44 seconds (18 seconds LvMAX)
Type: Strike
Performs a powerful slam that breaks super armor, which can be pressed a second time to escape safely. Does really good damage and if used right can easily be combo'd with on mobs.

1st Awakening: 왕파갑냥
Adds 1.5 second stun to the skill and lowers the height at which the enemy travels. Leveling this skill twice makes the stun duration last 3 seconds.

2nd Awakening: 파가가갑냥
Gives the skill a very weak 8-hit spinning attack that takes you up higher, then finishes off with a powerful slam. Each hit in the spin is x0.05 damage of the total, while the final hit retains full damage + deals the collective.

13th Skill
니양~콩 니양~콩 - Nyan~Pomf Nyan~Pomf
Cooldown: 90 seconds (35 seconds LvMAX)
Type: Strike
A very decisive skill, this being Cat acrobat's strongest and weakest skill at the same time.
Turns into a giant ball of yarn, spinning and dealing damage to enemies but you lose the duration if you hit the ground. Following up with this skill on a mob in midair allows you to absorb the enemy into your ball, dealing an intense amount of damage up to approximately 40,000% damage. This is also a weak skill because many end game bosses cannot be knocked into the air for this kind of combo, or can easily break free of air combo with a super armor burst. Approximate damage when using on a boss that can't be knocked into the air is about ~1,000% vs the 40,000% you can do to a mob you can get stuck in mid-air.
Right clicking at any time during the skill finishes it off with a strong slam.
This skill also gives you invincibility for its duration.

1st Awakening: 니양쾅
Turns the skill into a quick and powerful slam. Total damage is increased by 50%, making it a strong secondary skill. This skill has invincibility frames.

2nd Awakening: 데굴데굴데굴
Turns the ball of yarn skill into a ground skill. Duration of the skill is reduced by 2 seconds, and you deal x0.3 per hit, with 0.1 second intervals between hits. Invincibility frames are also kept.

14th Skill
냐하킥 - Nyanha Kick
Cooldown: 100 seconds (45 seconds LvMAX)
Type: Strike
Hold to aim skill and use the direction keys to spin in the direction of the enemy and release to go flying super fast, smashing into the enemy and destroying super armor. Sends smaller enemies high into the air. The skill does not need to be charged to do full damage.

1st Awakening: 냐핫!
You lose the aiming function and long range dash of the skill, but gain a short range but powered up kick. Range of the kick is increased by 60% and total damage is increased by 25%.

2nd Awakening: 냐하킥.냐하하하
Turns the skill into a high speed tackle slide with invinciblity frames. Overall damage is increased by 30%, but sends enemies flying forward. Pressing the jump key cancels out of the skill which is vital to cutting into combos.

15th Skill
냥☆무 - Nyan☆Mew
Cooldown: 80 seconds (30seconds LvMAX)
Type: Slash x4, Strike x2
Upon use makes you invincible and unleashes some super saiyan cutscene attacks, each hit doing powerful scratch attacks finishing with a powerful smash attack that sends enemies back to the ground.

1st Awakening: 냥☆무빙빙팍
Use the directional keys to move around while spinning, then unleash a single hit massively powerful uppercut. The skill is very hard to use and you lack invinc frames, but the total damage is increased by x10.4

2nd Awakening: 냥☆무.냥냥냥
Increases the number of hits in the original combo, final smash being closer to the ground but bouncing enemies up higher. Very powerful.

16th Skill
우냐우냐우냐우냐우냐~ 미야 - meowmeowmeowmeowmeow~ nyah~
Cooldown: 170 seconds (90 seconds LvMAX)
Bleed Debuff proc rate: 5%
Type: Slash
Enters into a flurry of scratches that can be moved with the directional keys, followed by a powerful uppercut. Press the skill again to enter into an even more powerful upper kick. Each hit has a 5% chance of causing bleed. While lacking invinc frames, super armor is gained during the attack.

1st Awakening: 짱쎈우냐우냐미야
Increases overall damage and range of the skill by 30%

2nd Awakening: 순냥살
aka angry ball of rape.
Changes the skill into a very fast invincibility frame move. Pressing the skill causes you to jump in the direction you're facing, when in contact with the enemy turns into a pmsing cat that scratches the enemy for a ton of damage and jumps out. This skill deals the total damage of the skill in 8 hits, for a very large boost of x3.8 damage at the cost of bleed debuff.

17th Skill
무냐냥지경 - Combo nyan assault
Cooldown: 40 seconds
Type: Buff
Duration: 3 seconds (10 seconds LvMAX)
When used, you gain a very brief buff that allows you to combo out of every skill. Once in effect, press a skill button in the middle of a skill to cut out of that skill into the next. Can use to initiate very strong combos, but again, it's very brief.

If you have a lot of attack speed, this skill is pointless to invest in.

18th Skill
냥이날뛰기 - Rampaging Kitty
Type: Passive
Every 40 hit combo you do grants a 10% attack speed buff for 10 seconds. Intervals of 40 hit combos (40, 80, 120 etc) refreshes the buff to keep it going.

19th Skill
모두함께다냥 - Meow together now
Type: Passive
Every 40 hit combo not only grants you the 10% attack speed but your entire party benefits from the buff as well. Increments of 40 hit combos refreshes the buff for everyone.


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