Document format of this post can be found here.
Fundamental Skills
Dash/Tele: Must have.
Basic Attack: Affects no skills, not worth considering.
Q Dodge: Never hurts to have.
1st Skill
얼음송곳 - Ice Pick
Cooldown: 4 seconds
Lv1 Damage: 281%
Type: Pierce, Ice
Frostbite debuff
Conjures an ice crystal and fires it directly at enemies, reducing minor enemy attack speed and movement speed.
1st Awakening: 추적
Turns the ice crystal into a homing missle, dealing 50% overall more damage but losing its piercing ability.
2nd Awakening: 확산
Fires 3 Ice Crystals in a spread. Leveling this skill increases stones fired.
2nd Skill
서리바람 - Frost Wind
Cooldown: 16 seconds
Lv1 Damage:
Type: Slash, Ice
Frostbite debuff
Hold the skill to unleash a tunnel of chilling wind, damaging and slowing enemy attack and movement speed.
1st Awakening: 찬바람
Renews the duration of any enemies inflicted with Freezing status, keeping them frozen. This does not apply to:
Freezing Pillar's ultimate freeze debuff.
Ultra Freeze's freezing debuff.
2nd Awakening: 센바람
Enhances the strength of the skill, pushing enemies away and freezing them.
EX Skill 1
얼음송곳 - Ice Shard EX
Consumes 1 EX Gauge
Lv1 Damage:
Type: Pierce, Strike, Ice
Worth 1 point for invinc frame purposes.
3rd Skill
서리칼날 - Frost Blade
Cooldown: 8.3 seconds
Lv1 Damage: 140% x8
Type: Slash, Ice
Frostbite debuff
Tosses an ice shard into the air that explodes into several discs, locking on to the nearest enemy, reducing their aspd and mspd.
1st Awakening: 비산
Increases the number of discs from 8 to 11.
Note: the video is outdated.
2nd Awakening: 한꽃
Tosses a gigantic ice disc that locks onto one enemy. Upon contact, explodes and freezes the enemy along with any other around them.
Note that this particular freezing debuff does not work on bosses.
4th Skill
특수기, 빙결폭쇄 - Special Skill: Freezing Burst
Cooldown: 4.2 seconds
Lv1 Damage: 1616%
Type: Pierce, Ice, Contextual
Right click when an enemy is frozen to blow them up.
Note that this does not put the actual Skill Freezing Burst into cooldown.
5th Skill
빙결강화 - Enhanced Freezing
Type: Passive
Frostbite enabler
Upon learning this skill, allows the below skills to inflict Frostbite for a max of 5 stacks, enabling enemies to become frozen easier.
Note that boss type monsters are not affected by freezing odds from this skill.
얼음송곳 - Ice Pick
서리바람 - Frost Wind
서리칼날 - Frost Blade
눈보라 폭풍 - Blizzard Storm
6th Skill
얼음 소나기 - Ice Rain
Cooldown: 12 seconds
Lv1 Damage: 198% x10
Type: Pierce, Ice
Brings down several ice shards on the enemy. If the enemy is airborne, it will drop them to the ground immediately.
1st Awakening: 오한
Frostbite Debuff
Inflicts enemies with Frostbite, with high odds of freezing.
2nd Awakening: 파편
Gives the ice shards an aoe damage effect when striking an enemy, hitting other enemies around them.
7th Skill
한파 - Cold Wave
Cooldown: 15 seconds
Lv1 Damage: 112% x10
Type: Strike, Ice
Cold Wave Debuff
Duration: 10 seconds
Enemies suffer from freezing cold weather, reducing their aspd and mspd by 20% for 10 seconds.
1st Awakening: 맹추위
Max Lv: 5
Aspd and Mspd reduction : -3% per level (Max -15%)
Enhances cold wave debuff to add an additional -3% aspd and mspd per level of this awakening.
2nd Awakening: 침투
Enhances the debuff to reduce the enemy's ice resistance by -5% at the cost of the duration being reduced from 10 seconds to 7 seconds.
Original debuff effect still applies.
8th Skill
빙결폭쇄 - Freezing Burst
Lv1 Damage:
Type: Strike, Ice
Unlike the Right Click, this skill causes all frozen enemies to explode.
When this skill is successfully executed, following skills recieve a cooldown reduction:
얼음 소나기 - Ice Rain : 2 seconds reduced
눈보라 폭풍 - Blizzard Storm : 5 seconds reduced
빙붕의 구슬 - Ice-Shelf Bead : 5 seconds reduced
1st Awakening: 증대
Increases overall damage of the skill by 30%, as well as reducing the following skill cooldowns even further:
한파 - Cold Wave : 1.6 seconds reduced
눈보라 폭풍 - Blizzard Storm : 4.4 seconds further reduced
2nd Awakening: 오한
Frostbite debuff
Upon exploding the enemy, the explosion of the ice inflicts all enemies around exploded enemies with frostbite debuff.
The following skills receive further cooldown reduction:
얼음 소나기 - Ice Rain : 1.4 seconds further reduced
빙붕의 구슬 - Ice-Shelf Bead : 3.6 seconds further reduced
9th Skill
빙결 파쇄탄 - Freezing Wave Crusher
Lv1 Damage:
Type: Pierce, Ice
Fires a powerful bullet that can destroy Super Armor.
If used on an enemy that's frozen, causes them to explode and deals much more damage.
1st Awakening: 빙폭
Base damage is increased by 25%, while the damage dealt when the enemy is frozen increases by 50%.
Cooldown of this skill increases by 3 seconds.
2nd Awakening: 축퇴
Holding the skill key charges a 'buster shot'. When the skill is fully charged (on flash) and released, overall base damage is increased by 50%. Damage when striking a frozen enemy further increases by 25%.
Cooldown is not affected.
EX Skill 2
얼음 소나기 - Ice Rain EX
Consumes 2 EX Gauge
Lv1 Damage:
Type: Strike, Ice
Worth 1 point for invinc frame purposes.
10th Skill
얼음난초 - Ice Orchid
Lv1 Damage:
Type: Slash, Ice
Conjures a miniature iceberg to damage enemies. If an enemy is hit, there's a small chance of freezing.
Note that the basic form of this skill does not freeze bosses.
1st Awakening: 확산
Increases the range in which an enemy can be struck by the ice orchids.
2nd Awakening: 빙결강화
Freezing Debuff
Chance of freeze at Lv1: 20% (40% LvMAX)
Max Lv: 5
Ice Orchid gains the ability to freeze bosses.
Each level added to this skill further increases the chance of boss freeze by 5%.
11th Skill
눈보라 폭풍 - Blizzard Storm
Lv1 Damage:
Type: Pierce, Ice
Frostbite debuff
Conjures a storm that inflicts frostbite, slowing enemies aspd and mspd.
Note: the video is outdated.
1st Awakening: 지속
Increases the amount of hits from x16 to x21.
2nd Awakening: 혹한
Wound Debuff
Blizzard storm overall range is increased by 50%, as well as gaining the ability to inflict "wound debuff", causing enemies to take 10% of the overall storm damage every second for 10 seconds.
The duration of the storm is reduced by 33%.
12th Skill
결빙의 고리 - Ring of Ice
Lv1 Damage:
Type: Strike, Ice
Freezing debuff
A powerful close range skill that causes the ground around your character to form a ring of ice, freezing all enemies touched by it.
This skill works on bosses and provides invinc frames while casting.
Note: While this skill does provide invinc frames, it's very buggy and I believe if you don't have perfect ping then this skill is pretty much just provides fake invinc frames, ie no frames at all. If you get hit don't be surprised.
1st Awakening: 한기 되돌이
If an enemy is frozen by this skill, cooldown will be reduced by 10 seconds.
2nd Awakening: 휘몰이 박살
After freezing enemies with this skill, execute 빙결폭쇄 - Freezing Burst to explode and bring frozen enemies to you.
13th Skill
마력수련 - Mana Training
Cooldown: 60 seconds
Lv1 Increment: 22% (30% lvMAX)
MaxLv: 5
Duration: 15 seconds
Type: Buff
When this buff is cast, a portion of your Max MP is calculated into additional damage. By default this skill calculates 20% of your Max MP and turns it into damage, with 2% added per level.
14th Skill
초극빙결포 - Ultra Freeze
Lv1 Damage:
Type: Pierce, Ice
Freezing debuff
Pulls out a large cannon that freezes enemies, including bosses for 5 seconds.
Aiming can be moved with A and D keys, left click to fire off the cannon immediately.
Note: freezing debuff of this skill cannot be renewed by Frost Wind's first awakening.
1st Awakening: 확산초극빙결포
Ultra Freeze Cannon gains two backup firing beams, increasing the width of freezing.
2nd Awakening: 강화초극빙결포
Added Freezing duration: 1 second
Max Lv: 3
For each level of this awakening, adds 1 extra second to freeze duration.
15th Skill
빙붕의 구슬 - Ice-Shelf Bead
Lv1 Damage:
Type: Strike, Ice
Hold the skill to suck in and hurt nearby enemies for 2.5 seconds. Upon release, the snowball rolls a distance away and explodes, dealing massive damage.
1st Awakening: 얼음갑옷
Grants Super Armor status while casting the skill.
2nd Awakening: 얼음가시
Freezing Floor Debuff
Duration: 5 seconds
Sucks enemies in to you then blows up the snowball, causing a damaging ice floor to appear around you. All enemies within this field receive 5% of the overall skill damage every 0.5 seconds for a total of 5 seconds.
16th Skill
혹한의 기둥 - Freezing Pillar
Lv1 Damage:
Type: Slash, Ice
Ultimate Freeze debuff
Duration: 3 seconds
Summons a super powered storm that quickly freezes the enemy in a gigantic ice pillar.
Skills that cause ice to explode will not blow up the enemy while theyre frozen within the pillar, but do additional damage.
This skill's freeze time cannot be renewed by frost wind.
1st Awakening: 대분출
Increases the range of the skill and number of hits x15 to x23.
Enemies do not get sucked in to the center nor do they get increased float.
2nd Awakening: 흡인강화
Attack range is decreased by 50% and sucking speed is increased by 30%.
17th Skill
축퇴탄 수련 - Degenerate Shot Training
Type: Passive
Allows you to charge the third shot of your normal attack to inflict more damage.
18th Skill
맹추위 - Chilling Cold
Type: Passive
When a skill inflicts frostbite status (slow debuff), the enemy loses -1% ice and strike resist per stack of frostbite. If the enemy is inflicted with Freezing (frozen debuff), they receive a 30 second debuff that reduces ice and strike resistance by 10%.
19th Skill
한기역습 - Chilling Counterattack
Cooldown: 120 seconds
Type: Passive
Freezing Debuff
When your HP drops to 35% or below, automatically counter attacks with an aoe that freezes all enemies.
20th Skill
얼음비늘 - Ice Scales
Cooldown: 45 seconds
Lv1 HP : 1000 (3000 LvMAX)
Type: Buff
Duration: 5 seconds
Generates an Ice Shield that defends against all attacks. Once the duration is up or the hp is depleted the shield disappears.
21st Skill
서리찬 가시 - Visible Frost
Lv1 Damage:
Reduces the cooldown of basic set skills.
얼음송곳 - Ice Pick : 0.2 seconds reduced
서리칼날 - Frost Blade : 0.4 seconds reduced
빙결 파쇄탄 - Freezing Wave Crusher : 0.7 seconds reduced
22nd Skill
매서운 추위 - Severe Cold
Type: Passive
Reduces the cooldown of mid-tier set skills.
서리바람 - Frost Wind : 0.8 seconds reduced
얼음 소나기 - Ice Rain : 0.7 seconds reduced
한파 - Cold Wave : 0.8 seconds reduced
눈보라 폭풍 - Blizzard Storm : 2.2 seconds reduced
23rd Skill
차가운 심장 - Frozen Heart
Type: Passive
Reduces the cooldown of higher-tier set skills.
빙결폭쇄 - Freezing Burst : 1.2 seconds reduced
얼음난초 - Ice Orchid : 0.8 seconds reduced
빙붕의 구슬 - Ice-Shelf Bead : 1.8 seconds reduced
24th Skill
절대 영도 - Absolute Zero
Type: Passive
Reduces the cooldown of stronger set skills.
결빙의 고리 - Ring of Ice : 5.3 seconds reduced
초극빙결포 - Ultra Freeze : 5.7 seconds reduced
혹한의 기둥 - Freezing Pillar : 6.2 seconds reduced
Fundamental Skills
Dash/Tele: Must have.
Basic Attack: Affects no skills, not worth considering.
Q Dodge: Never hurts to have.
1st Skill
얼음송곳 - Ice Pick
Cooldown: 4 seconds
Lv1 Damage: 281%
Type: Pierce, Ice
Frostbite debuff
Conjures an ice crystal and fires it directly at enemies, reducing minor enemy attack speed and movement speed.
1st Awakening: 추적
Turns the ice crystal into a homing missle, dealing 50% overall more damage but losing its piercing ability.
2nd Awakening: 확산
Fires 3 Ice Crystals in a spread. Leveling this skill increases stones fired.
2nd Skill
서리바람 - Frost Wind
Cooldown: 16 seconds
Lv1 Damage:
Type: Slash, Ice
Frostbite debuff
Hold the skill to unleash a tunnel of chilling wind, damaging and slowing enemy attack and movement speed.
1st Awakening: 찬바람
Renews the duration of any enemies inflicted with Freezing status, keeping them frozen. This does not apply to:
Freezing Pillar's ultimate freeze debuff.
Ultra Freeze's freezing debuff.
2nd Awakening: 센바람
Enhances the strength of the skill, pushing enemies away and freezing them.
EX Skill 1
얼음송곳 - Ice Shard EX
Consumes 1 EX Gauge
Lv1 Damage:
Type: Pierce, Strike, Ice
Worth 1 point for invinc frame purposes.
3rd Skill
서리칼날 - Frost Blade
Cooldown: 8.3 seconds
Lv1 Damage: 140% x8
Type: Slash, Ice
Frostbite debuff
Tosses an ice shard into the air that explodes into several discs, locking on to the nearest enemy, reducing their aspd and mspd.
1st Awakening: 비산
Increases the number of discs from 8 to 11.
Note: the video is outdated.
2nd Awakening: 한꽃
Tosses a gigantic ice disc that locks onto one enemy. Upon contact, explodes and freezes the enemy along with any other around them.
Note that this particular freezing debuff does not work on bosses.
4th Skill
특수기, 빙결폭쇄 - Special Skill: Freezing Burst
Cooldown: 4.2 seconds
Lv1 Damage: 1616%
Type: Pierce, Ice, Contextual
Right click when an enemy is frozen to blow them up.
Note that this does not put the actual Skill Freezing Burst into cooldown.
5th Skill
빙결강화 - Enhanced Freezing
Type: Passive
Frostbite enabler
Upon learning this skill, allows the below skills to inflict Frostbite for a max of 5 stacks, enabling enemies to become frozen easier.
Note that boss type monsters are not affected by freezing odds from this skill.
얼음송곳 - Ice Pick
서리바람 - Frost Wind
서리칼날 - Frost Blade
눈보라 폭풍 - Blizzard Storm
6th Skill
얼음 소나기 - Ice Rain
Cooldown: 12 seconds
Lv1 Damage: 198% x10
Type: Pierce, Ice
Brings down several ice shards on the enemy. If the enemy is airborne, it will drop them to the ground immediately.
1st Awakening: 오한
Frostbite Debuff
Inflicts enemies with Frostbite, with high odds of freezing.
2nd Awakening: 파편
Gives the ice shards an aoe damage effect when striking an enemy, hitting other enemies around them.
7th Skill
한파 - Cold Wave
Cooldown: 15 seconds
Lv1 Damage: 112% x10
Type: Strike, Ice
Cold Wave Debuff
Duration: 10 seconds
Enemies suffer from freezing cold weather, reducing their aspd and mspd by 20% for 10 seconds.
1st Awakening: 맹추위
Max Lv: 5
Aspd and Mspd reduction : -3% per level (Max -15%)
Enhances cold wave debuff to add an additional -3% aspd and mspd per level of this awakening.
2nd Awakening: 침투
Enhances the debuff to reduce the enemy's ice resistance by -5% at the cost of the duration being reduced from 10 seconds to 7 seconds.
Original debuff effect still applies.
8th Skill
빙결폭쇄 - Freezing Burst
Lv1 Damage:
Type: Strike, Ice
Unlike the Right Click, this skill causes all frozen enemies to explode.
When this skill is successfully executed, following skills recieve a cooldown reduction:
얼음 소나기 - Ice Rain : 2 seconds reduced
눈보라 폭풍 - Blizzard Storm : 5 seconds reduced
빙붕의 구슬 - Ice-Shelf Bead : 5 seconds reduced
1st Awakening: 증대
Increases overall damage of the skill by 30%, as well as reducing the following skill cooldowns even further:
한파 - Cold Wave : 1.6 seconds reduced
눈보라 폭풍 - Blizzard Storm : 4.4 seconds further reduced
2nd Awakening: 오한
Frostbite debuff
Upon exploding the enemy, the explosion of the ice inflicts all enemies around exploded enemies with frostbite debuff.
The following skills receive further cooldown reduction:
얼음 소나기 - Ice Rain : 1.4 seconds further reduced
빙붕의 구슬 - Ice-Shelf Bead : 3.6 seconds further reduced
9th Skill
빙결 파쇄탄 - Freezing Wave Crusher
Lv1 Damage:
Type: Pierce, Ice
Fires a powerful bullet that can destroy Super Armor.
If used on an enemy that's frozen, causes them to explode and deals much more damage.
1st Awakening: 빙폭
Base damage is increased by 25%, while the damage dealt when the enemy is frozen increases by 50%.
Cooldown of this skill increases by 3 seconds.
2nd Awakening: 축퇴
Holding the skill key charges a 'buster shot'. When the skill is fully charged (on flash) and released, overall base damage is increased by 50%. Damage when striking a frozen enemy further increases by 25%.
Cooldown is not affected.
EX Skill 2
얼음 소나기 - Ice Rain EX
Consumes 2 EX Gauge
Lv1 Damage:
Type: Strike, Ice
Worth 1 point for invinc frame purposes.
10th Skill
얼음난초 - Ice Orchid
Lv1 Damage:
Type: Slash, Ice
Conjures a miniature iceberg to damage enemies. If an enemy is hit, there's a small chance of freezing.
Note that the basic form of this skill does not freeze bosses.
1st Awakening: 확산
Increases the range in which an enemy can be struck by the ice orchids.
2nd Awakening: 빙결강화
Freezing Debuff
Chance of freeze at Lv1: 20% (40% LvMAX)
Max Lv: 5
Ice Orchid gains the ability to freeze bosses.
Each level added to this skill further increases the chance of boss freeze by 5%.
11th Skill
눈보라 폭풍 - Blizzard Storm
Lv1 Damage:
Type: Pierce, Ice
Frostbite debuff
Conjures a storm that inflicts frostbite, slowing enemies aspd and mspd.
Note: the video is outdated.
1st Awakening: 지속
Increases the amount of hits from x16 to x21.
2nd Awakening: 혹한
Wound Debuff
Blizzard storm overall range is increased by 50%, as well as gaining the ability to inflict "wound debuff", causing enemies to take 10% of the overall storm damage every second for 10 seconds.
The duration of the storm is reduced by 33%.
12th Skill
결빙의 고리 - Ring of Ice
Lv1 Damage:
Type: Strike, Ice
Freezing debuff
A powerful close range skill that causes the ground around your character to form a ring of ice, freezing all enemies touched by it.
This skill works on bosses and provides invinc frames while casting.
Note: While this skill does provide invinc frames, it's very buggy and I believe if you don't have perfect ping then this skill is pretty much just provides fake invinc frames, ie no frames at all. If you get hit don't be surprised.
1st Awakening: 한기 되돌이
If an enemy is frozen by this skill, cooldown will be reduced by 10 seconds.
2nd Awakening: 휘몰이 박살
After freezing enemies with this skill, execute 빙결폭쇄 - Freezing Burst to explode and bring frozen enemies to you.
13th Skill
마력수련 - Mana Training
Cooldown: 60 seconds
Lv1 Increment: 22% (30% lvMAX)
MaxLv: 5
Duration: 15 seconds
Type: Buff
When this buff is cast, a portion of your Max MP is calculated into additional damage. By default this skill calculates 20% of your Max MP and turns it into damage, with 2% added per level.
14th Skill
초극빙결포 - Ultra Freeze
Lv1 Damage:
Type: Pierce, Ice
Freezing debuff
Pulls out a large cannon that freezes enemies, including bosses for 5 seconds.
Aiming can be moved with A and D keys, left click to fire off the cannon immediately.
Note: freezing debuff of this skill cannot be renewed by Frost Wind's first awakening.
1st Awakening: 확산초극빙결포
Ultra Freeze Cannon gains two backup firing beams, increasing the width of freezing.
2nd Awakening: 강화초극빙결포
Added Freezing duration: 1 second
Max Lv: 3
For each level of this awakening, adds 1 extra second to freeze duration.
15th Skill
빙붕의 구슬 - Ice-Shelf Bead
Lv1 Damage:
Type: Strike, Ice
Hold the skill to suck in and hurt nearby enemies for 2.5 seconds. Upon release, the snowball rolls a distance away and explodes, dealing massive damage.
1st Awakening: 얼음갑옷
Grants Super Armor status while casting the skill.
2nd Awakening: 얼음가시
Freezing Floor Debuff
Duration: 5 seconds
Sucks enemies in to you then blows up the snowball, causing a damaging ice floor to appear around you. All enemies within this field receive 5% of the overall skill damage every 0.5 seconds for a total of 5 seconds.
16th Skill
혹한의 기둥 - Freezing Pillar
Lv1 Damage:
Type: Slash, Ice
Ultimate Freeze debuff
Duration: 3 seconds
Summons a super powered storm that quickly freezes the enemy in a gigantic ice pillar.
Skills that cause ice to explode will not blow up the enemy while theyre frozen within the pillar, but do additional damage.
This skill's freeze time cannot be renewed by frost wind.
1st Awakening: 대분출
Increases the range of the skill and number of hits x15 to x23.
Enemies do not get sucked in to the center nor do they get increased float.
2nd Awakening: 흡인강화
Attack range is decreased by 50% and sucking speed is increased by 30%.
17th Skill
축퇴탄 수련 - Degenerate Shot Training
Type: Passive
Allows you to charge the third shot of your normal attack to inflict more damage.
18th Skill
맹추위 - Chilling Cold
Type: Passive
When a skill inflicts frostbite status (slow debuff), the enemy loses -1% ice and strike resist per stack of frostbite. If the enemy is inflicted with Freezing (frozen debuff), they receive a 30 second debuff that reduces ice and strike resistance by 10%.
19th Skill
한기역습 - Chilling Counterattack
Cooldown: 120 seconds
Type: Passive
Freezing Debuff
When your HP drops to 35% or below, automatically counter attacks with an aoe that freezes all enemies.
20th Skill
얼음비늘 - Ice Scales
Cooldown: 45 seconds
Lv1 HP : 1000 (3000 LvMAX)
Type: Buff
Duration: 5 seconds
Generates an Ice Shield that defends against all attacks. Once the duration is up or the hp is depleted the shield disappears.
21st Skill
서리찬 가시 - Visible Frost
Lv1 Damage:
Reduces the cooldown of basic set skills.
얼음송곳 - Ice Pick : 0.2 seconds reduced
서리칼날 - Frost Blade : 0.4 seconds reduced
빙결 파쇄탄 - Freezing Wave Crusher : 0.7 seconds reduced
22nd Skill
매서운 추위 - Severe Cold
Type: Passive
Reduces the cooldown of mid-tier set skills.
서리바람 - Frost Wind : 0.8 seconds reduced
얼음 소나기 - Ice Rain : 0.7 seconds reduced
한파 - Cold Wave : 0.8 seconds reduced
눈보라 폭풍 - Blizzard Storm : 2.2 seconds reduced
23rd Skill
차가운 심장 - Frozen Heart
Type: Passive
Reduces the cooldown of higher-tier set skills.
빙결폭쇄 - Freezing Burst : 1.2 seconds reduced
얼음난초 - Ice Orchid : 0.8 seconds reduced
빙붕의 구슬 - Ice-Shelf Bead : 1.8 seconds reduced
24th Skill
절대 영도 - Absolute Zero
Type: Passive
Reduces the cooldown of stronger set skills.
결빙의 고리 - Ring of Ice : 5.3 seconds reduced
초극빙결포 - Ultra Freeze : 5.7 seconds reduced
혹한의 기둥 - Freezing Pillar : 6.2 seconds reduced