Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Shadow Shaman: Skill Translations and Info

Document format of this post can be found here.

Fundamental Skills
Dash/Tele: Must have.
Basic Attack: Apparently this still affects gun attacks while Alteo is out doing his thing, so leveling it is considerable for consistent damage.
Q Dodge: Never hurts to have.

1st Skill
크라첸 킨하켄 - Shadow kinhaken (Shadow break Catalyst)
Cooldown: 5.7 seconds
Lv1 Damage: 315% (1614% LvMAX)
Type: Active
Fires once to knock enemy into the air. Press the skill again to strike the enemy once more with Shadow Alteo.

1st Awakening: 팡잔
Transform skill usage so when you hold down the skill, you blast the enemy away with a shadow strike. total damage is increased by 30%.

2nd Awakening: 앙그리프
Retains old skill usage. when you press the skill a second time, Shadow Alteo strikes twice. Damage per hit decreased by 30%, but the overall damage is stronger.

2nd Skill
특수기, 둥켈 그리프 - Special Grab
Cooldown: 7.6 seconds
Lv1 Damage: 394%
Type: Contextual
Right click when an enemy has been knocked silly to grab them and slam them down. During this animation you are invincible. This only works on medium/Small enemies.

3rd Skill
슈발츠 지클론 - Shadow Cyclone (Shadow break Catalyst)
Cooldown: 14 seconds (11 seconds LvMAX)
Lv1 Damage: 89% x13 (345% x13 LvMAX)
Slow Debuff
Max amount of debuff stack: 3
Type: Active
Casts a Shadow Cyclone around yourself that damages nearby enemies. Applies a slow debuff that can be stacked. Note that this debuff does not work well in end game dungeons.

1st Awakening: 아우프슈티크
Reduces the duration of the skill to 1 second but does twice the hits for double the damage. Debuff still applies.

2nd Awakening: 플로크
Increases the duration of the skill and the number of hits, and can be dropped anywhere you cast it. Debuff still applies.

Class Advancement Skill
알터 위버브링어 - Alteo Weaver
Alteo Weaver Attack type: Strike and Stab (Melee)
Player type (when shadow released): Shooting
Elemental class damage: Dark
This is your mastery as a Shadow Shaman. You've made a contract with a shadow demon of the other world known as Gespenst/Alteo Weaver.
Normal attacks consist of basic slashes that bring enemies in. When released using certain skills, You can follow up with 3 different types of basic shooting attacks depending on the movments made. Note that dash attacks while the shadow is released are relatively the best ones, if anything.

4th Skill
게슈펜스트 쿠알 - Gespenst Call
Cooldown: 21.5 seconds (15.1 seconds LvMAX)
Lv1 Damage 205% x9 (533% x9 LvMAX)
Type: Active
Drops a trap door for Alteo to surprise unaware enemies that walk over it.

1st Awakening: 플루흐
Mental Breakdown Debuff
Max amount of debuff stack: 10
Strikes from Alteo add a specialized debuff called "mental breakdown", reducing their resistances. The final three hits will add mental breakdown damage. When the mental breakdown stack reaches 10 on an enemy or boss, their movement speed is reduced by 50% for 5 seconds while they attempt to run away.

2nd Awakening: 슈탐피터
Alteo is released from his dormant state and goes forward to attack enemies, bringing them to you as you fire on them.

5th Skill
샤텐 그리프 - Shadow Grip
Cooldown: 14 seconds (10.1 seconds LvMAX)
Lv1 Damage: 831% (2163% LvMAX)
Type: Active
Alteo Conjures a hand that rushes forth and crushes the enemy. Hitbox is in front of your character and provides flinch damage.

1st Awakening: 리투스
Turns the skill into an uppercut, Hitting closer to your character and increasing the overall damage by 20%

2nd Awakening: 슈테어쿵.
Same as the original skill, except the enemy has been tagged with a seal that prevents any movement or actions being made for one second. Each level added to this skill increases duration by 1 second. Note that this does not work on all bosses.

EX Skill 1
크라첸 킨하켄 - Kinhaken EX
Consumes 1 EX Gauge
Press TAB to activate EX. Use Kinhaken to execute.
No detail will be added about this skill as it is a skill used purely for invincibility frames. This is an important skill to use to save yourself from skills that would otherwise do you in with one hit. 1 point should be placed in this only.

6th Skill
슈테힌 - Shooting (Stinger)
Cooldown: 12.4 seconds (7.6 seconds LvMAX)
Lv1 Damage: 1167% (3039% LvMAX)
Type: Active
This skill can be used while Alteo is released
This skill works in conjunction with Passive skill 슈발츠 그라이픈 - Shooting Kuraiten.
Dashes forward towards the enemy and fires gun point blank, providing decent damage and knockback. Inflicts enemy with Darkness debuff.

1st Awakening: 라둥
Hold skill to charge up energy, releasing into a powerful and damaging dash and knockback. Breaks super armor easily.

2nd Awakening: 라머
Changes your skill into a ground slam with 30% total damage up.

7th Skill
샤텐 크라츠 - Shadow Grasp
Cooldown: 33 seconds (20 seconds LvMAX)
Lv1 Damage: 406% x6 (896% x6 LvMAX)
Type: Active
Alteo Summons giant claws and rakes in enemies.

1st Awakening: 그뢰서
Overall range of the attack increases.

2nd Awakening: 플루흐
Mental Breakdown Debuff
Max amount of debuff stack: 10
Works in conjunction with 게슈펜스트 쿠알 - Gespenst Call
The final three hits will add mental breakdown damage. When the mental breakdown stack reaches 10 on an enemy or boss, their movement speed is reduced by 50% for 5 seconds while they attempt to run away.

8th Skill
슈발츠 그라이픈 - Shooting Kuraiten
No Cooldown
Critical rate: 0.75% x skill level (15% Crit rate LvMAX)
Aspd Increase: 0.50% x skill level (10% Aspd LvMAX)
Type: Passive
Whenever 슈테힌 - Shooting (Stinger) is used, you receive a 16 second buff that increases your crit rate and aspd multiplied by the level of the skill. This is a valuable skill to max.

9th Skill
크라이젠 슈라크 - Kuraijen Shock
Cooldown: 20 seconds (10 LvMAX)
Lv1 Damage: 485% ×6 (1072% x6 LvMAX)
Type: Active
This skill can be used while Alteo is released
A very powerful skill. Press to enter gunslinging stance then spam left click to rapid fire. Dash and Jump buttons cancel out of the skill.

1st Awakening: 추사츠
Increases the number of shots, dealing well over 10k% dmg and increases the range by 10M.

2nd Awakening: 쿠겔슈트롬
Jumps over enemy and Shoots down. Useful in very few occasions.

10th Skill
둥켈 크빌 - Shadow Tag
Cooldown: 31 seconds (15 seconds LvMAX)
Lv1 Damage: 1523% (2923% LvMAX)
Type: Active
Tracer Debuff duration: 10 seconds
This skill can be used while Alteo is released
Snares enemies with a darkness tracer, and the first one hit becomes tagged. Press the skill again to automatically teleport to the tagged enemy and fire off a powerful round. Teleportion provides a brief invincibility period.

1st Awakening: 라둥
Charge skill to release a shockwave of darkness. Press skill again when the enemy is tagged to teleport, firing all around while spinning. Both teleporting and spinning status makes you become invincible to all attacks.

2nd Awakening: 폴터가이스트
2 press attack. Tags the enemy with a darkness debuff tracer. Spam the skill key from any distance to fire Dark shots at the enemy for a minimum of 10 hits. The more attack speed, the more hits can be dealt with a 15% damage boost per hit.

EX Skill 2
게슈펜스트 쿠알 - Gespenst Call EX
Consumes 2 EX Gauge
Press TAB to activate. Use Gespenst Call to execute.
Again, this is used for invincibility frame purposes. It's best to leave 1 skill point in here. Though the damage is good, It's very hard to use and it's quite difficult to get two EX gauge in the middle of a boss fight without a failing rank.

11th Skill
샤텐 크락 - Shadow Clap
Cooldown: 44 seconds (20 seconds LvMAX)
Lv1 Damage: 3790% (6430% LvMAX)
Type: Active
Alteo Summons large hands to crush the enemies together. Useful with a wide range of skills.

1st Awakening: 그뢰서
Increases overall range of the hands.

2nd Awakening: 슐라크벨러
Movement Lock Debuff
Prevents enemy from moving for 2 seconds. Each level of this skill adds an additional 2 seconds. Bosses can resist the duration of this debuff.

12th Skill
샤텐 스플리터 - Shadow Splitter
Cooldown: 110 seconds (60 seconds LvMAX)
Lv1 Damage: 4037% (6137% LvMAX)
Type: Active
Alter Ego Debuff
Very important skill. Knocks the shadow out of the enemy it is used on, creating an alter ego from their shadow. While the enemy has lost their shadow they lose their super armor and take a constant damage while the shadow is being hit. The Shadow also builds up 10% of the damage you're dealing in every 2nd skill.

1st Awakening: 슈메르츠
Holds 50% damage instead of the usual 10%

2nd Awakening: 푸펜
When the enemy is knocked out of their shadow, the shadow is forced to stand up to all attacks, and will not find its host, allowing for more consistent and longer damage.

13th skill
아우스바이더스 - Armor breaker
Cooldown: 60 seconds
Duration: 10 seconds
Type: Buff
Armor reduction debuff : 0.5% per level
Max amount of debuff stack: 6
Casting the skill gives you 0.5 seconds invincibility frame. Once the skill is cast you have 10 seconds of armor piercing debuff that can stack 6 times. Though brief, the skill is useful for many bosses. Stack duration is roughly 10 seconds.

1st Awakening: 슈뵈헨
Allows the debuff to manifest through all your skills rather than just your normal attacks.

2nd Awakening: 라우쉬
Max LV:4
Transforms Armor breaker into a weird buff.
Basic duration of Armor breaker is reduced by 1 second
Basic Attack speed increases by 3%
Cooldown of class skills reduced by 1 second

Reduces duration of Armor breaker by 1 second per level
Adds 3% more aspd per level
Reduces the cooldown of class skills by 1 second per level

14th Skill
카노네 스툼빈드 - Gunkata
Cooldown: 85 seconds (35 seconds LvMAX)
Gunshot interval: 0.2 seconds
Lv1 Damage: 566% x18 (779% x18 LvMAX)
Type: Active
This skill can be used while Alteo is released
Large aoe firing skill that completely ignores super armor. Used correctly, this can provide an opening for infinite flinch damage for bosses.

1st Awakening: 슈트로이슈스
Doubles the number of attacks you do. Very powerful.

2nd Awakening: 블릿츠슈넬
Press the movement key to teleport in that direction. With good timing can avoid certain attacks.

15th Skill
운터강 슐로스 - Destruction Toss (aka Washingmachine)
Cooldown: 95 seconds (50 seconds LvMAX)
Lv1 Damage: 612% x22 (770% x22 LvMAX)
Type: Active
Although damaging, this skill is very difficult to use. Sends Alteo out and upon contact with enemy, turns into a damaging whirlpool. If he misses his target it's a waste of a skill. Hard to use on bosses because they can easily walk away.

1st Awakening: 슈프랭궁
The skill destoys super armor and takes the culmulative damage in one burst, with a 130% total increase to the damage value. Currently this awakening does NOT remove super armor. This may be a sudden nerf or bug as there was no announcement to the change.

2nd Awakening: 모라스트
Turns Alteo into a vacuum. Can safely fire him in any direction and he absorbs enemies in a massive 15M radius. Leveling this skill only increases the speed of which he absorbs enemies to him. Works on bosses.

16th Skill
샤텐베커 - Shadow Breaker
Type: Passive
Transforms all shooting skills into skill damage boosters. The catch is this passive starts off with a 2% overall dmg boost with 1% gained each level. The duration of this passive buff is always 3 seconds. Once a shooting skill is used their dmg is boosted by this skill, but you have only 3 seconds to follow up with any other skill to take effective of the damage this skill provides.
It's not worth investing points into this skill unless you want to max it, and even then it's a very tough passive to work with.

17th Skill
게슈펜스트 하켄 - Gespenst Haken (Judgement)
Cooldown: 205 seconds (100 seconds LvMAX)
Lv1 damage: 29,725% (33,901% LvMAX)
Type: Active
The ultimate skill. Alteo rises with full form and smashes the enemy, destroying their super armor and dealing massive damage. Perfect linking skill for followup since it always destroys Super armor quickly.

1st Awakening: 브레헨
Smashes down upon the enemy three times, each hit is 25% stronger for a grand damage total increase by 50%. Destroys Super Armor.

2nd Awakening: 도르넨파트
Life deteriorate Debuff
Smashes the enemy and brings forth the eternal prison. For 10 seconds, enemies are locked in and cannot escape the prison. For the entire duration, the enemy loses 1% of their max hp for a total of 10% of their entire hp lost. Works on bosses, but very large bosses/special condition bosses may be able to escape.

Mystic Wolfguardian: Skill Translations and Info

Document format of this post can be found here.

Fundamental Skills
Dash/Roll: Definite must have.
Basic Attack: Pretty useless? I think Sirius no longer takes influence from that, rather he uses actual attack and damage modifiers from your character to influence his basic attack cycle now.
Q Dodge: Always worth considering that 1 point.

1st Skill
뇌공포 - Spread Shock
Cooldown: 5.2 seconds
Lv1 Damage: 58% x6
Type: Pierce, Lightning
Shocks the enemy close range with a Lightning ball.

1st Awakening: 방출
Fires a large Spread Orb that deals extended damage per hit.

2nd Awakening: 낙인
Prey Debuff
Decreases the range and amount of hits into a single stab that retains full damage.
The stab inflicts "Prey" status on the target, making it the sole target of Sirius until you inflict another target with "Prey" or that target dies.

2nd Skill
뇌공포: 뇌격쌍장타 - Spread Shock: Lightning Blast
Damage 100% in ratio to 뇌공포 - Spread Shock
Type: Contextual; Strike, Lightning
Press Q to finish off Spread Shock with a blast that knocks smaller enemies away.

3rd Skill
낙뢰일격 - Lightning Strike
Lv1 Damage:
Type: Pierce, Lightning
jumps up and strikes the ground with a lightning smash.

1st Awakening: 전격이탈
Quick charges the lightning smash and allows you to follow up by escaping in any direction you press. Original Damage is retained.

2nd Awakening: 확산
Increases the overall range of the lightning smash aoe by 25% per level this AP skill is raised.

EX Skill 1
뇌공포 - Spread Shock EX
Cooldown: 3 seconds (No change LvMAX)
Lv1 Damage:
Type: Pierce, Lightning
Worth getting 1 point in for invincibility frame purposes.

4th Skill
시루스. 어리와! - Sirius. Come out!
Cooldown: 30 seconds
Max HP increase per level after 1 : 25%
Defense increase per level after 1 : 10%
MaxLv: 5
Type: Summon
Summons Sirius, a silly poodle. Serious copies your current attack, defense, and hp at level one, so the first level of the skill does not count the +25% hp and +10% defense bonus.

Any skill that uses Siwius in an attack calls his attention to that particular mob for a brief period of time, in which he'll use his basic attacks on them.
Your full normal attack cycle can also trigger Sillius's attention to an enemy.
After 20 seconds of being out, Sillywalrus gains defense to projectiles.

5th Skill
뇌광 일섬 - Spread Lightning Pierce
Lv1 Damage:
Type: Initial strike - Slash, Lightning Shocks - Piercing
Does a quick dash through the enemy, shocking them for several hits. This skill provides Super Armor.

1st Awakening: 일격이탈
Changes the skill to be purely piercing-type, dashing up to the enemy and tagging them with a lightning orb and falling backwards rather than through or near them with the original skill.

While the attack is a lot quicker than the original, you lose Super Armor with this awakening.

2nd Awakening: 유린
Skill activation speed and distance increases with each level of this awakening.
Super Armor is retained.

6th Skill
시루스! 백만볼트! - Sirius! Million Volts!
Cooldown: 20 seconds (
Lv1 Damage: 157% x10
HP Regen of Sirius increased per level: 3%
Type: Slash, Lightning
Sirius slashes the enemy and proceeds to eat and fart lightning. Apparently the entire attack is considered slash-type. Also improves the amount of HP Sirius regens per level.

1st Awakening: 시루스! 백만볼트! 발사!
Immediately summons Sirius in front of you to shoot forth a bolt of lightning in the direction you're facing. Retains original skill damage.

2nd Awakening: 시루스! 큰 백만볼트!
Aoe range of Sirius's lightning farts increases by 25% per level.

7th Skill
시루스! 물어! - Sirius! Dash!
Lv1 Damage:
HP Regen of Sirius increased per level: 0.5%
Type: Strike, Lightning
Tells Sirius to dash at the nearest enemy, dealing strike damage.

1st Awakening: 시루스! 꽉 물어!
Grants Sirius Super Armor. Duration is 2 seconds, increases by 2 seconds per level of this awakening.

2nd Awakening: 시루스! 물어! 숵!
Makes Sirius deal a second dash for 30% of the original dash's power.

8th Skill
특수기: 십자뇌섬 - Special skill: Lightning Cross
Cooldown: 21 seconds
Lv1 Damage: 449% x2
Type: Contextual, Slash, Lightning
When the enemy has been knocked silly, Right click to teleport through and shock.

9th Skill
찌르기: 선랑치환 - Sting: Martial Switch
Cooldown: 7 seconds
Damage influenced by Basic attack mastery.
MaxLv: 1
Type: Contextual, Strike
Press Q after dash attack to do a followup dash strike.

Mastery Skill
천랑: 뇌공포습득 - Guardian: Spread shock Mastery
Damage reflects your stats
MaxLv: 1
Type: Passive, Lightning
Skillset of Sirius. Enables his basic attack cycle to be used when targetting an enemy.

10th Skill
추종랑격 - Calling Thunder
Lv1 Damage:
Type: Piercing, Lightning
Calls down a stream of lightning.
If Sirius has targetted an enemy, you'll teleport to the enemy and call down on them.
If Sirius is out and has not targetted an enemy, you'll teleport to his position.
If Sirius isn't out you stay in place when you Shock.
When struck by an enemy, you can counter with this skill by pressing E.

1st Awakening: 전격화
Attack Speed buff: 20%
Duration: 3 seconds...
When using the skill, gain a 3 second buff that increases aspd by 20%.

2nd Awakening: 전영
Reverses the effect of this skill, causing you to jump to safety after calling down lightning.

11th Skill
낙뢰부 - Lightning Talis
Lv1 Damage:
Type: Piercing, Lightning
3 press attack that shoots out several Talismans followed by a strike of lightning.

1st Awakening: 삼연
Allows for quicker casting of the skill, at the cost of the final strike dealing 20% less damage.

2nd Awakening: 화령연무
Turns the skill into a powerful two press skill that fires 3 homing Talis for each press. Waiting a little before pressing a second time maximizes damage for certain smaller enemies.
Talisman Damage ratio to max skill damage: x0.86
Talisman tracer duration: 4 seconds
interval between hits for EACH talisman out: 0.3 seconds
Number of talismans out: 6

12th Skill
천랑: 낙뢰번제 - Guardian: Lightning burn
Lv1 Damage: ? (7014% LvMAX)
MaxLv: 17
HP Regen of Sirius increased per level: 2%
Type: Strike, Lightning
Targets an enemy and does a lightning take-down. This skill can affect up to 30 mobs.
This skill removes Super Armor if the enemy has it in effect.

1st Awakening: 주박
Stun Debuff
Duration: 1 second (Max 3)
Max Lv: 3
Adds 1 second of stun for each level of this awakening

2nd Awakening: 강회
After taking down the enemy, Sirius changes position and attacks from the front of the enemy.

13th Skill
천랑: 질주강화 - Guardian: Sprint Up
Type: Passive
Increases Sirius's Move Speed permanently by 50%

EX Skill 2
천랑: 낙뢰선풍 - Guardian: Lightning Whirlwind EX
Cooldown: 3 seconds
Lv1 Damage: 490% x38
Type: Piercing, Lightning
While the after aoe is useful, it's still worth no more than 1 point for invinc frame purposes.

14th Skill
천랑: 뇌격장 - Guardian: Mind's Lightning
Cooldown: 7 seconds
Influenced by character attack and damage
MaxLv: 1
Type: Piercing, Lightning
Adds This skill to a list of Sirius's normal skillset

15th Skill
천랑: 낙뢰선풍 - Guardian: Lightning Whirlwind
Lv1 Damage:
Type: Piercing, Lightning
Spins around with Sirius causing a tornado that can be moved with direction keys.
This skill provides super armor.

1st Awakening: 방사
Quick generates lightning whirlwind and throws it in the direction you press.

2nd Awakening: 낙뢰쾌선풍
The tornado has an initial range and suction of 7.5meters, with each level of this skill the size of the tornado and the speed at which it moves is increased.
Additional range per level: 2 meters
Additional movement speed per level: 1 meter

16th Skill
가자! 시루스! - Let's go! Sirius!
Cooldown: 110 seconds (
Lv1 Damage: 200% x50
Type: Piercing, Lightning
Duration: 8 seconds
Hops on Sirius and rides him around like the silly poodle he is. Left click to shock enemies.
For the duration of this skill you become immune to everything.
This skill is often considered maxing for cooldown reduction and not the usage of its attack.

1st Awakening: 가자! 시루스! 엎드려!
Changes the skill so when you hold left click you shock enemies, keeping them within a 10 meter range for its duration.

2nd Awakening: 가자! 시루스! 아자!
Changes the skill so when you hold Left click you charge a ball of rape. Once the ball is fully charged jump and release to smash the orb into the ground, shocking enemies with an electric field.
You lose Invincibility Frames with this skill, having it replaced with Super Armor instead.
Duration of riding Sirius: +4 seconds
Initial Shockwave damage: x6.5
Electric Field damage: x0.65
Duration of Electric Field: 3 seconds
Interval in hits: 0.2 seconds

17th Skill
천랑: 공속강화 - Guardian: Attack Speed Up
MaxLv: 1
Type: Passive
Increases Sirius's attack speed permanently by 50%.

18th Skill
천랑: 뇌우정령 - Guardian: Thunderstorm Spirit
Cooldown: 10 seconds
Duration: 8 seconds
Damage reflected by character's attack and damage.
MaxLv: 1
Type: Piercing, Lightning
Calls out several lightning spirits to shock the enemy.
Adds this skill to Sirius's basic moveset.

19th Skill
뇌륜주박 - Lightning Wheel
Cooldown: 95 seconds
Lv1 Damage: 955% x8
Type: Piercing, Lightning
Charges lightning in your hands then spins around the enemy in a large arc, shocking with an enclosed lightning barrier that explodes on final contact.

You do not have invinc frame or super armor during this skill.

1st Awakening: 신속
Reduces the charging speed of the skill.

2nd Awakening: 주박강화
Adds Super Armor for duration of the skill.

20th Skill
천랑: 전격난무 - Guardian: Lightning Strife
Cooldown:  ? (60 seconds LvMAX)
Lv1 Damage: ? (1169% x12 LvMAX)
MaxLv: 10
Type: Piercing, Lightning
Teleport and unleash the fury of a lightning god's ping pong tournament.
During the teleportation/lightning period of this skill you gain invinc frames.

1st Awakening: 뇌격구축
Cuts down the duration of this skill,  gathers enemies and increases Sirius's explosive damage.
Final strike by Sirius: x16 damage

2nd Awakening: 분신랑격
Reduces the amount of hits this skill does by half, but increases overall damage by 38.5%.

21st Skill
천랑: 교감강화 - Enhanced Armor
Type: Passive
When Sirius is attacking an enemy, He has a chance of gaining Super Armor for 7 seconds.

22nd Skill
뇌령각인 - Spread Stomp
Cooldown: 120 seconds
Duration: 10 seconds
MaxLv: 1
Type: Buff
Grants +20 Lightning Element for 10 seconds.

1st Awakening: 전광석화
Every time you do a lightning-based attack to an enemy with this buff in effect, you gain +1% to Attack, Attack Speed, and Movement speed for a maximum of 10 stacks. If the buff is still in effect after the max stack has been reached, reduces cooldown of basic skill by 1 second for each lightning-based hit you do.

2nd Awakening: 주박뢰
Changes the buff into a debuff so you reduce enemy Aspd and Mspd by 30% for 10 seconds.

23rd Skill
비상 낙뢰극 - Immediate Thunder Strike
Cooldown: ? (100 seconds LvMAX)
Lv1 Damage: ? (2613 x17 LvMAX)
MaxLv: 8
Type: Initial hit = Strike, followup Piercing, Lightning
Jumps into the sky charging a strike with lightning rain, dealing strike damage followed with bolts of lightning.
This skill provides Invinc frames.

1st Awakening: 축퇴격
Type: Strike
Condenses the power of the lightning into your single strike-type attack, increasing overall damage by 50%.

2nd Awakening: 뇌신강림
Upon use of this skill grants a 10 second buff that gives +90 Lightning Element.

24th Skill
낭랑합일 - Sweet Unity
Lv1 Effects
Sirius Attack 2% up per level
Siurius Defense 4% up per level
Mystic Crit Rate 2% up per level
Mystic apsd up 2% per level
MaxLv: 3
Type: Passive Buff
When using non-Sirius skills, gain a buff that increases attack and defense of Sirius for 7 seconds.
When using Sirius-based skills, gain crit rate and aspd up for 7 seconds.

25th Skill
천뢰장막 - Force Field
Cooldown: 120 seconds
Duration: 90 seconds
MaxLv: 1
Type: Buff
Protects yourself with a force field that negates 1 attack for 90 seconds. Once hit, the buff ends.

1st Awakening: 산개
Extends the effect of this ability to party members.

2nd Awakening: 전하
Changes the buff to provide +10 lightning element for 90 seconds instead.

Cat Acrobat: Skill Translations and Info

Document format of this post can be found here.

Fundamental skills
Dash/Roll: Definite must have
Basic Attack: No skills take advantage of this, though your aerial left click passive does benefit from leveling this. If you use it a lot then it's considerable, sure, but other than that 1 or no point is fine.
Dodge: Doesn't hurt to have.

1st Skill
반달차기 - Half-Moon kick
Cooldown 4.8 seconds (No change LvMAX)
Type: Strike
Kicks enemy into the air. press again for a second kick. A weak skill that does not need to be mastered, it does have a brief invinc frame time at level 11. This is too brief to even consider leveling the skill or getting it though.

1st Awakening: 붕붕킥
A faster two strike roundhouse kick. x2 dmg per kick, skill only needs to be pressed once.

2nd Awakening: 부웅킥
Turns the skill into a single one strike kick, x4 dmg and can move freely upon usage.

2nd Skill
반달차기, 나래숙 - Extended Skill: Half-Moon kick - Winged Dive
Type: Contextual, Strike
Press Q after finishing Half-Moon Kick to execute a drop kick. Early on considerably damaging and useful weak mob super armor breaker, but not worth getting near the end because of its uselessness damage wise and lack of combo efficiency.

3rd Skill
고양이 베기 - Kitty Scratch
Cooldown: 9.5 seconds (6.3 seconds LvMAX)
Type: Slash
Bleed debuff proc rate: 5% per hit
Press 3 times to execute 3 scratch attacks. Chance of bleed per hit of the attack, and deals good damage.

1st Awakening: 왕 할퀴기
Overall damage x3
Turns the skill into one quick Scratch attack that deals 4 hits, but the overall damage is tripled.

2nd Awakening: 발톱 밀기
Third strike becomes a kitty claw beam. The first two hits retain normal damage rate, while the third hit scales x 0.7 damage per hit. Duration of the third skill is 1.4 seconds, with 0.1 second intervals per hit (x0.7 dmg by 14 hits)

4th Skill
5냥살 - 5-strike Nyan
Cooldown: 7.6 seconds (2.5 seconds LvMAX)
Type: Slash x4 Strike x1
A very iffy skill. Deals 5 strikes as the name implies, and can be cancelled or used in conjunction with various other skills. This skill deals weak damage if the enemy has super armor on, but increases a lot if their super armor is broken. It's best used in conjunction with an armor breaking skill to get the full benefit of the damage. With 150% aspd this skill becomes an effective combo chain and easy breaker skill.

1st Awakening: 날랜5냥살
Shock/Stun Debuff
Imbues your last hit with Shock. If the skill is used as a follow up and does over 10hit combo, the enemy will also become stunned.

2nd Awakening: 냥권백열각
Transforms your 5 hit strike into an 8 hit flurry of scratches and kicks. Each additional kick in the skill has a x0.5 multiplier and the final strike deals x2 damage.

고양이 베기 - Kitty Scratch EX
Consumes 1 EX gauge
Type: Slash
Press TAB to activate EX. Use Kitty Scratch to execute.
Worth considering 1 point for invinc frame purposes.

5th Skill
나선묘 - Spiral Meow
Cooldown: 8.4 seconds (5.8 seconds LvMAX)
Defense reduction debuff: 4%
Base Duration: 3 seconds
Increases by 0.5 seconds per level.
Type: Slash
Spins fast like a top for a total of 7 hits and lowers enemy defense by 4%. Duration of the debuff increases as the skill levels up.

1st Awakening: 묘묘묘
Rotation lasts longer and adds 3 additional hits.

2nd Awakening: 묘기 뿅뿅
Changes the skill so you throw 5 distructo discs. Damage per hit is x0.45 damage, each disc lasting 0.6 seconds with 0.15 second intervals between each hit.

6th Skill
특수기, 냐광무 - Special skill, Nyanwan Mew
Cooldown: 20 seconds (5 seconds LvMAX)
Type: Contextual, Strike
When the enemy has been knocked silly, right click to lift off into the air dealing 5 powerful scratches. You gain complete invincibility during this skill. Although the damage is not bad it's worth only leaving 1 point in this skill as very few medium/large mobs end game can be used as a trigger for this skill.

7th Skill
냥냥 우냥섬 - Nyan nyan Unyan
Type: Passive transformation, Slash
Transforms your air attack into a two press claw swipe, dealing 8 hits in total. Provides good float time and combo building/chaining and does good damage. Adding points to your basic attack mastery affects this as it is considered your passive air attack upon learning it, though leaving 1 point in basic attack mastery is more than likely a preferable option.

8th Skill
냐광참! - Nyan Speed!
Cooldown: 17.6 seconds (14.8 LvMAX)
Defense reduction debuff: 3%
Base Duration: 3 seconds
Increases by 0.65 seconds per level.
Type: Slash
Dashes across a large distance leaving an explosion of cat scratches behind. Provides invincibility frames, reduces enemy defense by 3%. Duration increases with skill level.

1st Awakening: 왕 냐광참
Overall damage and range of the skill increases by 30%

2nd Awakening: 냐냐냐광참
Transforms your skill into a weaker two strike attack. Pressing the skill a second time brings you back to your starting position. Overall damage is decreased by 40%. Invincibility frame is also extended.

9th Skill
비천삼각냥조 - Triple-strike Nyanpow
Cooldown: 23.9 seconds (19.7 seconds LvMAX)
Type: Strike
Strikes the enemy with 3 powerful kicks when pressed 3 times, also provides invincibility frames, works in mid air but very hard to execute into a continous combo. Does not break super armor and generally does more when the enemy is lacking super armor.

1st Awakening: 냥냥냥
Transforms your 3 strike 3 press skill into a 4 strike 4 press skill. Level it a 2nd time to Max out at 5 strike 5 press skill. Can obliterate weaker enemy super armor but not to be relied on end game bosses for that purpose.

2nd Awakening: 냐하하하!
Does one powerful slam onto the enemy's head, then uses them to jump far away. Can move anywhere while in falling motion. The total damage of this skill is massive, as all 3 hits are accounted for and increased by x2.8 in one kick, but its a pretty terrible skill for following up or ending with combos.

10th Skill
냥이냥이☆태풍 - Kitty cat☆Hurricane
Cooldown: 21 seconds (10.5 seconds LvMAX)
Bleed debuff proc rate: 5% per hit
Type: Slash
Spins fast, sucking in enemies to you. Excellent mob gathering skill that also does good damage. Each hit has a 5% chance of causing bleed.
This skill is terrible to use on super armored enemies, but in some boss cases it can prove to be an advantage for continuing combo hits. (Some bosses 'burst' into super armor and summon mobs to defend them, using this skill during their burst can prove to be super effective.)

1st Awakening: 냥이냥이대왕태풍
Increases the overall range of kitty cat hurricane by 2M (meters)

2nd Awakening: 냥이냥이드릴드릴
Changes the skill into a torpedo drill of sorts. Loses suction ability, but deals 10 hits and a final swipe. Considerably iffy to use, but good for aerial combo masters.

11th Skill
우냥 섬광극 - Unyan Flash Pole
Cooldown: 33 seconds (17 seconds LvMAX)
Type: Slash, Strike
Rolls up into the air, activating a 4 hit attack followed by a 5th hit super armor-breaking smash. Provides invincibility frames and has some small mob suction as well. This skill has some effective use with 5-strike nyan.

1st Awakening: 우냥섬광극.꽝
Shock/Stun debuff
Final strike of the skill induces shock debuff. If the skill is used as a followup or on multiple mobs and does a 10hit+ chain combo then the enemy becomes stunned as well.

2nd Awakening: 우냥섬광드릴
Turns the skill into a powerful ground drill attack with invinc frames. Initial skill damage is x0.3 per hit, with a 0.05 second interval between hits. The final hit does a total of x2 damage.

냐광참! - Nyan Speed! EX
Consumes 2 EX Gauge
Type: Slash
Press TAB to activate EX. Use Nyan Speed! to execute.
No detail will be added about this skill as it is a skill used purely for invincibility frames. This is an important skill to use to save yourself from skills that would otherwise do you in with one hit. 1 point should be placed in this only.

12th Skill
파갑냥 - Nyan wave
Cooldown: 44 seconds (18 seconds LvMAX)
Type: Strike
Performs a powerful slam that breaks super armor, which can be pressed a second time to escape safely. Does really good damage and if used right can easily be combo'd with on mobs.

1st Awakening: 왕파갑냥
Adds 1.5 second stun to the skill and lowers the height at which the enemy travels. Leveling this skill twice makes the stun duration last 3 seconds.

2nd Awakening: 파가가갑냥
Gives the skill a very weak 8-hit spinning attack that takes you up higher, then finishes off with a powerful slam. Each hit in the spin is x0.05 damage of the total, while the final hit retains full damage + deals the collective.

13th Skill
니양~콩 니양~콩 - Nyan~Pomf Nyan~Pomf
Cooldown: 90 seconds (35 seconds LvMAX)
Type: Strike
A very decisive skill, this being Cat acrobat's strongest and weakest skill at the same time.
Turns into a giant ball of yarn, spinning and dealing damage to enemies but you lose the duration if you hit the ground. Following up with this skill on a mob in midair allows you to absorb the enemy into your ball, dealing an intense amount of damage up to approximately 40,000% damage. This is also a weak skill because many end game bosses cannot be knocked into the air for this kind of combo, or can easily break free of air combo with a super armor burst. Approximate damage when using on a boss that can't be knocked into the air is about ~1,000% vs the 40,000% you can do to a mob you can get stuck in mid-air.
Right clicking at any time during the skill finishes it off with a strong slam.
This skill also gives you invincibility for its duration.

1st Awakening: 니양쾅
Turns the skill into a quick and powerful slam. Total damage is increased by 50%, making it a strong secondary skill. This skill has invincibility frames.

2nd Awakening: 데굴데굴데굴
Turns the ball of yarn skill into a ground skill. Duration of the skill is reduced by 2 seconds, and you deal x0.3 per hit, with 0.1 second intervals between hits. Invincibility frames are also kept.

14th Skill
냐하킥 - Nyanha Kick
Cooldown: 100 seconds (45 seconds LvMAX)
Type: Strike
Hold to aim skill and use the direction keys to spin in the direction of the enemy and release to go flying super fast, smashing into the enemy and destroying super armor. Sends smaller enemies high into the air. The skill does not need to be charged to do full damage.

1st Awakening: 냐핫!
You lose the aiming function and long range dash of the skill, but gain a short range but powered up kick. Range of the kick is increased by 60% and total damage is increased by 25%.

2nd Awakening: 냐하킥.냐하하하
Turns the skill into a high speed tackle slide with invinciblity frames. Overall damage is increased by 30%, but sends enemies flying forward. Pressing the jump key cancels out of the skill which is vital to cutting into combos.

15th Skill
냥☆무 - Nyan☆Mew
Cooldown: 80 seconds (30seconds LvMAX)
Type: Slash x4, Strike x2
Upon use makes you invincible and unleashes some super saiyan cutscene attacks, each hit doing powerful scratch attacks finishing with a powerful smash attack that sends enemies back to the ground.

1st Awakening: 냥☆무빙빙팍
Use the directional keys to move around while spinning, then unleash a single hit massively powerful uppercut. The skill is very hard to use and you lack invinc frames, but the total damage is increased by x10.4

2nd Awakening: 냥☆무.냥냥냥
Increases the number of hits in the original combo, final smash being closer to the ground but bouncing enemies up higher. Very powerful.

16th Skill
우냐우냐우냐우냐우냐~ 미야 - meowmeowmeowmeowmeow~ nyah~
Cooldown: 170 seconds (90 seconds LvMAX)
Bleed Debuff proc rate: 5%
Type: Slash
Enters into a flurry of scratches that can be moved with the directional keys, followed by a powerful uppercut. Press the skill again to enter into an even more powerful upper kick. Each hit has a 5% chance of causing bleed. While lacking invinc frames, super armor is gained during the attack.

1st Awakening: 짱쎈우냐우냐미야
Increases overall damage and range of the skill by 30%

2nd Awakening: 순냥살
aka angry ball of rape.
Changes the skill into a very fast invincibility frame move. Pressing the skill causes you to jump in the direction you're facing, when in contact with the enemy turns into a pmsing cat that scratches the enemy for a ton of damage and jumps out. This skill deals the total damage of the skill in 8 hits, for a very large boost of x3.8 damage at the cost of bleed debuff.

17th Skill
무냐냥지경 - Combo nyan assault
Cooldown: 40 seconds
Type: Buff
Duration: 3 seconds (10 seconds LvMAX)
When used, you gain a very brief buff that allows you to combo out of every skill. Once in effect, press a skill button in the middle of a skill to cut out of that skill into the next. Can use to initiate very strong combos, but again, it's very brief.

If you have a lot of attack speed, this skill is pointless to invest in.

18th Skill
냥이날뛰기 - Rampaging Kitty
Type: Passive
Every 40 hit combo you do grants a 10% attack speed buff for 10 seconds. Intervals of 40 hit combos (40, 80, 120 etc) refreshes the buff to keep it going.

19th Skill
모두함께다냥 - Meow together now
Type: Passive
Every 40 hit combo not only grants you the 10% attack speed but your entire party benefits from the buff as well. Increments of 40 hit combos refreshes the buff for everyone.

Demon Blade: Skill Translations and Info

Document format of this post can be found here.

Fundamental Skills
Dash: Must have
Basic Attack: Not really worth considering since none of your skills make use of it, unless you rather dash attack everything to death.
Q Dodge: Never hurts to spend the point.

1st Skill
십도, 열참 - Dark Art: True Heat
Cooldown: 3.8 seconds (No Change LvMAX)
Lv1 Damage:
Type: Slash, Dark
Simple Two slash skill. This skill can be followed up with Terminate or Reversal.
While simple, this skill is actually damaging when maxed considering the addition of the two context skills, doing up to 10k% damage.
Because of this the skill can be considered for maxing or leaving at a low level.

1st Awakening:십도, 열참 ㅡ 개진
Gives the skill a wider range. Does not affect damage.

2nd Awakening: 십도, 열참 ㅡ 열창
Slash Resistance Debuff
Inflicts the enemy with -3% Slash Resistance debuff. Effect increases per level.

2nd Skill
파, 단검기 - Wave: Dagger Storm
Lv1 Damage:
Type: Slash, Dark
Demon Stigma debuff
Uses the demon blade's influence to fire out two quick slashes that drags smaller enemies away for several hits.

At level 50 this skill infects enemies with Demon Stigma.

1st Awakening: 파.단검기 ㅡ 폭
Transforms the skill into a narrow range explosive shockwave. The explosive strike of the shockwave is x1.3 damage of the original skill multiplier.

2nd Awakening: 파, 단검기 ㅡ 속
Increases the traveling speed and distance of this skill.
Original damage still applys.

3rd Skill
발도, 일참 - Battojutsu: One Strike
Lv1 Damage:
Type: Slash, Dark
Single press skill that charges the sword in preparation stance, unleashing a devastating slash that destroys Super Armor.
This skill also provides Super Armor.

1st Awakening: 발도, 일참 ㅡ 반격
Hold to charge attack, slashing and destroying super armor of all enemies around you.

2nd Awakening: 발도, 일참 ㅡ 납도
Adds a second slash that deals half damage of the initial slash by standing still after the first strike. This skill can be quickly canceled at any time after first strike.

4th Skill
파, 혼검기 - Wave: Soul Storm
Lv1 Damage:
Type: Slash, Dark
5 press skill that sends out a barrage of soul blades.

1st Awakening: 파, 혼검기 ㅡ 속
After the first slash, following slashes dramatically increase in speed.

2nd Awakening: 파, 혼검기 ㅡ 천공
Enables this skill to be used in the air, also retaining old ground skill.
While in the air, fires 3 soul blades in a horizontal line down at the enemies.

5th Skill
연계, 섬광 - Chain: Flash
Lv1 Damage: 629%
Type: Contextual, Slash, Dark
When dash attacking an enemy, press Q to attack again and dash through them. Useful in certain occasions.

6th Skill
십도, 종단 - Dark Art: Terminate
Lv1 Damage: 449%
Type: Contextual, Slash, Dark
Press Q after the initial strike of True Heat to follow up with an upwards slash that sends smaller enemies into the air.

7th Skill
검, 섬관광 - Sword: Mirage Strike
Lv1 Damage:
Type: Slash, Dark
3 press skill that dashes through the enemy on each hit. very fluid and fast skill that can be used for evasion purposes around enemies.

1st Awakening: 검, 섬관광 ㅡ 휘
Changes your Q for 연계, 섬광 - Chain: Flash into a slash attack of this skill type. The damage is 60% less of the original skill.

2nd Awakening: 검, 섬관광 ㅡ 속
Movement Speed Buff: 3%
Max Stack: 3
Provides a 3% movement speed buff that can be stacked up to 3 times, the maximum of 3 hits.

8th Skill
십도, 횡참 - Dark Art: True Reversal
Lv1 Damage: 449%
Type: Contextual, Slash, Dark
Press E after the initial strike of True Heat to deal a super armor-breaking slash.

9th Skill
파, 단검기 강화 - Wave: Dagger Storm Power
Type: Passive
Enables enemies to become context sensitive to Right click.
Note that this does not work on bosses.

10th Skill
특수기: 마검, 섬광 - Special skill: Demon Flash
Cooldown: 20 seconds
Lv1 Damage:
Type: Slash, Dark
When an enemy has been knocked silly, Right Click to teleport and slice through the nearest context enemy.

EX Skill 1
십도, 얼참 - Dark Art: True Heat EX
Consumes 1 EX Gauge
Lv1 Damage:
While the damage is good, it's preferable to have 1 point in for invinc frame purposes.

11th Skill
혼명검, 천 - Souls of Darkness: Thousand Storm
Lv1 Damage:
Type: Strike, Dark
Demon Stigma debuff
Hold the skill to Slam the Katana into the earth, knocking up smaller enemies and unleashing a fury of Souls to strike.

At level 50 this skill infects enemies with Demon Stigma.

1st Awakening: 연옥파, 추 ㅡ 진멸
Slow Debuff
Causes demonic stigma from the attack to reduce enemy movement speed by -30%.

2nd Awakening: 연옥파, 추 ㅡ 연환세
Cuts down the trigger time to go right into the Soul summoning attack.

12th Skill
연옥파, 추 - Purgatory Wave: Addition
Lv1 Damage:
Type: Slash, Dark
Charges the skill to unleash a wide horizontal Soul slash, knocking enemies away.
This skill can be quick cast into a black Soul Slash that retains full damage by following up after using 파, 혼검기 - Wave: Soul Storm.

1st Awakening: 연옥파, 추 ㅡ 진멸
Allows you to hold and charge the skill, doubling the reach and width of the Soul slash.

2nd Awakening: 연옥파, 추 ㅡ 연환세
Demon Stigma debuff
After using Wave: Soul Storm to quick cast, the black soul slash will add Stigma per hit. Very useful for the Inner Eye buff.

EX Skill 2
광란혼, 멸 - Frenzy Storm: Destruction EX
Consumes 2 EX Gauge
Lv1 Damage:
Type: Strikewhat, Dark
The power of this EX makes it a potential for maxing, though it's also preferable to leave at 1 for invinc frame purposes.

13th Skill
광란혼, 멸 - Frenzy Storm: Destruction
Lv1 Damage:
Type: Slash, Dark
Demon Stigma debuff
Does a single slash, if the skill hits, then it's following up by a burst of dark energy that damages large enemies and smaller enemies caught up in it.
If you miss, the skill is wasted outright.

This skill can be canceled after the initial slash and the aura will still spawn and damage enemies.

This skill infects enemies with Demon Stigma.

1st Awakening: 광란혼, 멸 ㅡ 낙인강화
Defense debuff
Final hit of Darkness Aura lowers the defense of enemies. Duration is approx. 20 seconds

2nd Awakening: 광란성파혼
Frees and quick casts the Dark Aura, causing it to become larger and slowly suck in enemies.  Much more efficient in adding Demon Stigma.

14th Skill
천명도, 몰 - Thousand Souls: Strike
Lv1 Damage:
Type: Slash, Dark
Hold the skill to charge, sucking in enemies towards you. When the sheath of your katana flashes, release to deal x1.5 damage.

This skill provides Super Armor.

1st Awakening: 폭풍도, 참
When holding the skill, Creates a torrential storm that damages enemies as they're being sucked into you. Timing damage bonus (x1.5 katana flash modifier) will no longer be applied.

2nd Awakening: 천명도, 몰 ㅡ 흡멸
Overall damage is increased by 5%lol

 15th Skill
천십자참, 극 - Thousand Cross: Tragedy
Lv1 Damage:
Type: Slash, Dark
Fires a Soul slash that goes a distance and stops when it hits an enemy. Pressing the skill again at any time during the initial strike or after it hits the enemy will make your character jump to the slash and strike again.

While charging is jumping/attacking, you gain Super Armor.

1st Awakening: 천십자참, 극 ㅡ 일격
Shortens  the skill into a quick X Slash.

2nd Awakening: 천십자참, 극 ㅡ 멸갑
When this skill is used on enemies with Super Armor on, damage penalty is replaced with a x1.5 damage multiplier.

16th Skill
귀속잔영, 윤 - Attribute Zero: Yun
Lv1 Damage:
Type: Slash, Dark
Deals a series of lightning-quick slashes. This skill provides Super Armor.

1st Awakening: 귀속잔영, 윤 ㅡ 일식
Range and duration of slashes increases.
Damage per hit is matched to the extended duration, making each hit relatively weaker.

2nd Awakening: 귀속잔영, 윤 ㅡ 이식
Overall damage is increased by halving the range of the slashes.
The short range makes this awakening uncomfortable.

17 Skill
천도승천, 참 - Ascension: Truth
Lv1 Damage:
Type: Slash, Dark
6 press skill that lifts your enemy off into the air with a final slash that turns the screen black, dealing massive damage.

1st Awakening:
Cuts the skill down to just the final strike, retaining final damage but reducing overall damage as previous hits are no longer counted.

2nd Awakening:
Changes the skill into a very powerful single press 9 hit skill that provides invincibility frame for the duration and much more damage.

18th Skill
칼벼리기-전이 - Blade Mastery - Transition
Cooldown: 60 seconds
Type: Buff
Provides the effect of Blade Mastery to the party.

19th Skill
귀도흡인, 삭 - Soul Absorb: Destroy
Lv1 Damage:
Type: Slash, Dark
2 press skill that hits 3 times. Sucks in enemies and blasts them with a wave of Demonic Energy, second press finishing them off with a powerful slash.

1st Awakening:
Changes the skill into a 1 press two-hit skill.
Sucking in enemies Infects them with a Ghost, causing them to become unable to avoid Slash-Type attacks. This would mean 100% accuracy when using Slash-type skills for a brief period of time, but the effect of this skill is questionable to how efficient it really is.

Some state that the effect lasts just long enough for the second strike of the skill to take effect, though most people are unsure.

2nd Awakening:
Increases the range in which enemies are sucked in. Definitely not worth the 50 AP.

20th Skill
칼벼리기 - Blade Mastery
Cooldown: 60 seconds
Accuracy: +10
Base Critical Rate: +10%
Duration: 15 seconds
Type: Buff
Sharpens the blade with the power of Hell itself, increasing accuracy and Critical.

21st Skill
발도검 특화 - Battojutsu Mastery
Base Critical Rate: +3%
Base Atk Speed: +3%
Type: Passive
Gain deeper relation with your Demon edge, permanently improving base Crit rate and aspd.

22nd Skill
마검, 개안 - Demon: Inner Eye
Cooldown: 60 seconds
Demon Stigma Buff: Power dependant on enemy types and intensity of Stigma Stack
Duration: Dependant on intensity of Demon Stigma absorbed
Type: Buff
Inner Eye Buff: Feeds off Demon Stigma to improve stats
After awakening, several skills can influence enemies with Demon Stigma, which your Demon blade desires. When a lot of enemies are afflicted with Demon Stigma, or a boss has a high Stigma stack, Press this skill to awaken the Demon Blade for an improved stat boost.

The effect of the boost depends on the type of enemy you absorb Stigma from.
Basic Boost is Attack Speed and Movement speed.
Enemy Types: Normal, Greater, Boss Mobs.
The Duration of the boost depends on the intensity (stack #, mob #, mob type) you absorb Stigma from.

Example: 20 stack stigma on a single normal mob enemy is roughly 15% aspd and mspd up for 15 seconds.

Skills that infect the enemy with Demon Stigma:
파, 단검기 - Wave: Dagger Storm
혼명검, 천 - Souls of Darkness: Thousand Storm
광란혼, 멸 - Frenzy Storm: Destruction (EX does not apply)
귀도흡인, 삭 - Soul Absorb: Destroy
연옥파, 추 - Purgatory Wave: Addition (2nd Awakening only)

Monday, April 28, 2014

Raging Berserker: Skill translations and Info

Document format of this page can be found here.
Bushman provided several corrections and portions I missed, much appreciated!

Fundamental Skills
Dash: Must have.
Basic Attack: Not really.. prior to these updates it improved damage of Madness Rush but that no longer applies, so only good for normal attack spam if you utilize that I suppose.
Q Dodge: Doesn't hurt to have.

1st Skill
더블 슬래시 - Double Slash
Cooldown: 3 seconds (No change LvMAX)
Lv1 Damage: 146% x2 (739% x2 LvMAX)
Max Lv:20
Type: Attack
Does two vertical slashes, can be followed up with Q or E Extended skill Soccer Kick or Stomp.
The skill has a lot of delay and leaves you at a disadvantage in major boss fights.

1st Awakening: 퓨리 AP: 15
Consumes 10 Rage to increase double slash total damage by 50%.

2nd Awakening: 트리플 슬래시 AP: 25
Adds a third hit to Double Slash, aptly named Triple Slash.

2nd Skill
특수기, 파쇄참 - Special skill, Wave Crusher
Cooldown: 16 seconds (6.5 seconds LvMAX)
Lv1 Damage: 360% (1870% LvMAX)
Type: Contextual
When the enemy has been knocked silly right click to close in range to the enemy, crashing down on them with your blade.

3rd Skill
더블 슬래시.싸커킥 - Extended Skill: Double Slash - Soccer Kick
Type: Contextual
Used in conjunction with 더블 슬래시 - Double Slash
After Double slash is used, follow up with Q(Chain Skill1) to kick the enemy. Smaller enemies go farther distances.

4th Skill
드릴 스팅거 - Drill Stinger
Cooldown: 7.5 seconds (6 seconds LvMAX)
Lv1 Damage: 359% x3 (1196% x3 LvMAX)
Type: Active
Powerful Stab attack. Though the range is narrow, it's a good starting skill for a chain.
This skill drags enemies inwards your attack.

1st Awakening Skill: 대시 AP: 25
Consumes 10 rage to double traveling distance and add 2 additional hits to your skill.

2nd Awakening Skill: 블러드 드레인 AP: 20
When the enemy is bleeding, each hit of this attack absorbs 0.7% of their total health.

드릴 스팅거 - Drill Stinger EX
Cooldown: 3 seconds (No change LvMAX)
Lv1 Damage: 404% x10 (1052% x10 LvMAX)
Consumes 1 EX Gauge
Type: Active
Press TAB to activate EX. Use Drill Stinger to execute.
worth 1 point for invinc frame

5th Skill
기간틱 풀 스윙 - Gigantic Full Swing
Cooldown: 29 seconds (19 seconds LvMAX)
Lv1 Damage: 1167% x2 (2956% x2)
Type: Active
Lifts up the enemy with your sword and smacks it away with full force.
This skill provides invinc frames.

1st Awakening Skill: 간틱 풀 스윙.체이서 AP: 20
Upon smacking the enemy, reduces cooldown of gigante full swing by 5 seconds and allows you to follow up with right click skill wave crusher.

2nd Awakening Skill: 간틱 풀 스윙.스매시 AP: 15
Upon smacking the enemy, obliterates their super armor.

6th Skill
더블 슬래시.스탬프 킥 - Extended Skill: - Double Slash - Stomp
Type: Contextual
Used in conjunction with 더블 슬래시 - Double Slash
After Double Slash is used, press E(Chain skill2) to stomp the ground. Smaller enemies fly up higher.

7th Skill
토네이도 스매셔 - Tornado Smasher
Cooldown: 11.8 seconds (7 seconds LvMAX)
Lv1 Damage: 419% x3 (1091% x3 LvMAX)
Type: Active
Defense debuff: 4%
Duration: 3 seconds (9.4 seconds LvMAX)
increases by 0.4 seconds each level.
moves forward while swinging the sword in a circle 3 times, initial attack providing invinc frames, rest of the skill provides super armor.

1st Awakening Skill: 블러드 드레인 AP: 15
Absorbs 0.6% of the enemy's hp when they're bleeding.

2nd Awakening Skill: 제트 스파이럴 AP: 25
Consumes 10 rage to change the skill into a 5 hit vacuum that brings enemies to you.
damage per hit reduced, but overall damage increased.

8th Skill
드라이브 슬래셔 - Drive Slasher
Cooldown: 18.5 seconds (12 seconds LvMAX)
Lv1 Damage: 778% x3 (2026% x3 LvMAX)
Type: Slash x2, Smash
Defense Debuff: 3%
duration: 3 seconds (9.5 seconds LvMAX)
duration increased by 0.5 seconds per level

3 press attack that dashes forward, slashes twice and finishes with a kick to bring down weaker enemies. Press twice only to open combo for other skills. Also a great synergy skill with Drill Stinger.

1st Awakening Skill: 블러디 윈드 AP: 15
Bleed Debuff
Consumes 10 Rage to dash forward and strike with a powerful whirlwind attack that also induces bleeding to the enemy.

2nd Awakening Skill: 피니쉬 임팩트 AP: 15
Makes the third hit a powered up super armor-breaking kick.

9th Skill
템페스트 블레이드 - Tempest Blade
Cooldown: 15 seconds (9 seconds LvMAX)
Lv1 Damage: 275% x10 (608% x10)
Type: Active
Bleed debuff proc rate: 5%
Defense Debuff: 3%
duration: 3 seconds (10 seconds LvMAX)
duration increases by 0.35 seconds per level

2 press attack that starts off with a flurry of slashes and two spinning swings when pressed again. Provides super armor for first part of the skill only.

1st Awakening Skill: 블러디 템페스트 AP: 30
When the enemy is bleeding, absorb 0.5% of their hp per hit

2nd Awakening Skill: 크림슨 엣지 AP: 40
Additional Bleed Debuff proc rate: 5%
Grants Tempest blade additional "mirror" slashes with each press of the skill key before the 2nd part of the skill. Each hit of these blades do 40% less damage, consuming 3 rage per strike. Once you run out of rage you cannot gain additional hits.

This awakening does not consume additional rage while Rage Burst is in effect.

10th Skill
스파이럴 스트라이크 - Spiral Strike
Cooldown: 29.5 seconds (10 seconds LvMAX)
Lv1 Damage: 529% x5 (1169% x5)
Type: Active
Vertical spins and smashes the enemy. Must be used carefully as it can completely go over smaller mobs. This skill can be used in midair and deal additional hits.

1st Awakening Skill: 카운터 AP: 25
Increases overall damage by 50% when striking super armor

2nd Awakening Skill: 퓨리 AP: 25
Consumes 10 Rage to increase overall damage by 50%

EX Skill 2
템페스트 블레이드 - Tempest Blade EX
Cooldown: 3 seconds (No change LvMAX)
Lv1 Damage: 685% x24 (1315% x24 LvMAX)
Consumes 2 EX Gauge
Type: Active
Press TAB to activate EX. Use Tempest Blade to execute.
worth 1 point for invinc frames

11th Skill
인핑니티 글레이브 - Infinity Glaive
Cooldown: 35 seconds (19 seconds LvMAX)
Lv1 Damage: 776% x8 (1490% x8 LvMAX)
Type: Active
Steps forward while dealing a series of slashes to the enemy, dashing can cancel out of the skill.

1st Awakening Skill: 러쉬 AP: 35
Bleed Debuff proc rate: 5%
Grants Infiniti Glaive additional "mirror" slashes with each press of the skill key before the 2nd part of the skill. Each hit of these blades do 50% less damage, consuming 3 rage per strike. Once you run out of rage you cannot gain additional hits.

This awakening does not consume additional rage while Rage Burst is in effect.

2nd Awakening Skill: 아이언 스킨 AP: 35
Increases defense by +100% while infiniti glaive is in use.
If an enemy is bleeding then you'll absorb 0.5% of their hp per hit.

12th Skill
풀 브레이커 - Full Breaker
Cooldown: 37 seconds (25 seconds LvMAX)
Lv1 Damage: 5168% (8768% LvMAX)
Type: Active
Preps a super charged strike to the earth, dealing massive damage especially to super armor.

1st Awakening Skill: 카운터 AP: 25
Deals 50% more overall damage to super armor.

2nd Awakening Skill: 어스퀘이크 AP: 60
aka Earthquake skill 1 that eats a stupidly large amount of AP
Consumes 10 Rage to super power your skill.
Hold the skill down to charge your sword, keep holding it down during the blood earthquake to do continous damage. First strike deals 70% of the original damage, followed by 10% of original x5, then a final explosion at 70% after releasing on timing.
If you don't have enough rage when using the skill, you'll only do your regular skill attack.

Note: Because this skill was nerfed it lasts considerably shorter than the video for it shows. It's not recommended since the damage is not good for the ap and time you have to wait, though it's roughly x1.9 of original damage.

13th Skill
매드 러시 - Madness Rush
Cooldown: 120 seconds (60 seconds LvMAX)
Lv1 Damage: 1124% x13 (1709% x13 LvMAX)
Type: Buff/Active
Enters a state of sustained fury, doing improved damage per hit and allows free movement while attacking. Damage received while in madness rush is reduced by 90%. Spam left click to do strikes for a minimum of 13 hits or until the buff gauge ends. The amount of strikes you can do during this buff increases with higher attack speed. Can cancel out of skill with any skill or dash/jump.

1st Awakening Skill: 블러드 러스트 AP: 20
Increases damage by 10%, also increasing your attack speed by 4%. If the enemy is bleeding, you also absorb 0.5% of their max hp per hit.

2nd Awakening Skill: 부스트 태클 AP: 80
aka balls to the walls roid rage headbutting skill 2 that eats a shitton of AP like no other.
Changes the skill so that you attack in primal fury mode, increasing your total mspd by 100%. spamming left click causes you to repeatedly headbutt the enemy, doing 430% damage per hit. Critical rate is dramatically increased, more crits and aspd causes you to do more attacks, making this a very devastating skill. Due to the strength of the skill, critical damage is slightly decreased. While you do gain super armor with the skill in effect, you also gain invincible frames during every headbutt attack.

14th Skill
블러디 로어 - Bloody Roar
Cooldown: 100 seconds (50 seconds LvMAX)
Lv1 Damage: 6792% damage (9352% LvMAX)
Lv1 HP Restore Buff: 1% of max hp per level (11% LvMAX)
Fear debuff: 5 seconds, -50% movespeed
Madness Rush Cooldown reduction: 10 seconds
Type: Active/Buff/Debuff
Definite must max skill.
Releases a feral shout. When used, this powerful skill instantly recovers 1% of your max hp for every level its gained. If Bloody Roar makes contact with the enemy, they're instilled with fear for 5 seconds, and Madness Rush cooldown is decreased by 10 seconds. When hit by an attack, you can instantly use this skill as a counter by pressing E.

1st Awakening Skill: 피어 AP: 10
Fear extend debuff
Consumes 10 rage to increase fear duration by 1 second and gives an additional -10% mspd. Increases by 1 second/-10% more mspd per level.

2nd Awakening Skill: 파워풀 어그로 AP: 50
When used, instantly forces you into the maximum state of Rage Burst.
You lose fear debuff but retain hp recovery and madness rush cooldown reduction.

15th Skill
네버다이 - Never Die
Cooldown: 120 seconds
HP Regen Buff triggered at 20% HP remaining
Lv1 HP Regen per second (5 seconds): 5% (25% LvMAX)
Type: Passive
When you're at 20% hp remaining, instantly recover 5% of your max hp per second for a total of 5 seconds. The amount of hp you recover per second increases by 5% each level.

16th Skill
크레이터 리프 - Crater Leap
Cooldown: 80 seconds (35 seconds LvMAX)
Lv1 Damage: 6503% (8183% LvMAX)
Attack Speed debuff: 30%
Movement Speed debuff: 30%
Duration: 2 seconds
Type: Active
Aim with the mouse and execute a powerful jump, crushing the enemy with sheer force.
On contact, reduces enemy attack and movement speed by 30% for 2 seconds.

1st Awakening Skill: 빅 블라스트 AP: 35
Crater Reef Cooldown Reduction: 10 seconds
Attack Speed debuff: 30%
Movement speed debuff: 30%
Increases your movement speed by 30% while using this skill and decreases the enemy attack speed and movement speed by a further 30%, also decreases your Crater Reef cooldown by 10 seconds.

2nd Awakening Skill: 쇼크웨이브 AP: 40
Changes your skill into a shockwave dash that hits everything in your path. Damage isn't changed, but movement speed is doubled and range of the skill decreases by 30%.

17th Skill
바이탈 버프 - Vital Buff
Lv1 MP:HP Ratio Passive: 25% (100% LvMAX)
Type: Passive
Increases Maximum hp by 25% of your max MP. Each level increases your Max hp by an additional 25% for a total of 1:1 MP to HP ratio.
*Note: Even though you lose your MP when you awaken, your MP STILL exists in stat info. If you have 2000 MP there then when you max this skill you will have +2000 more HP. This is how the skill works.

18th Skill
레이지 버스트 - Rage Burst
Cooldown: 15 seconds (No change LvMAX)
Lv1 Attack Damage Bonus: 11% (20% LvMAX)
Lv1 Crit rate Bonus to Super Armor: 1% (10% LvMAX)
Lv1 Rage Consumption Rate: 1 Rage per 0.11 seconds (0.2 seconds LvMAX)
Type: Buff
Unlocks the potential of your Rage gauge, consuming Rage until it reaches 0.
During Rage Burst you gain a +11% increase to total damage and 1% Crit rate if the enemy has super armor on. Rage will constantly deplete every 0.11 seconds until empty, and awakened skills that invoke "mirror" strikes will no longer consume rage to use at their full potential while in Rage Burst mode.

Each level of Rage Burst increases attack and crit rate by +1% and slows down rage depletion time by 0.01 seconds.

Skills that normally consume rage will no longer do so during Rage Burst.

19th Skill
허리케인슬래쉬 - Hurricane Slash
Cooldown: 205 seconds (100 seconds LvMAX)
Lv1 Damage: 2287% x15 (2650% x15 LvMAX)
Bleed Debuff proc rate: 5%
Type: Active
Gains spinning momentum to become a devastating hurricane, dragging enemies within your attack. Allows free movement while skill is in effect. Left click to finish off the skill with a powerful finisher.

1st Awakening Skill: 메일스톰 - Maelstrom AP: 45
Hold the skill down to unleash a powerful Maelstrom, increasing your attack range by 50% and sucking in enemies towards you. At the end of the attack you explode with a powerful shock damage.

2nd Awakening Skill: 블러디 카니발 - Bloody Carnival AP: 40
Bleed Debuff improved proc rate: +5%
Grants Hurricane Slash additional "mirror" slashes with each press of right click before the 2nd part of the skill. Each hit of these blades do 80% less damage, consuming 4 rage per strike. Once you run out of rage you cannot gain additional hits.

Spamming in properly paced timing extends the amount of strikes you do with awakening. This may require some practice to get down.

This awakening does not consume additional rage while Rage Burst is in effect.

20th Skill
워 크라이 - War Cry
Cooldown: 60 seconds
Lv1 Attack speed increase: 3% per level (12% LvMAX)
Duration: 30 seconds
Type: Buff
Affects all party members within 15M range with a war cry, increasing Attack speed by 3% per level for 30 seconds.

21st Skill
번 인텐스 - Intense Time
Cooldown: 30 seconds
Type: Buff
Rage buff: doubles Rage gained per hit.
aka it's goofy time.
Consumes 30% of your max hp to instantly gain +30 Rage and a 30 second buff that doubles the amount of rage you gain per hit. Cannot be used while in Rage Burst mode.

Note: There's a bug where if you use this skill during Gigantic Full Swing, you avoid losing your HP. This is most likely because of the Invinc frames associated with the skill.

22nd Skill
프렌지 - Frenzy
Type: Passive
While in Rage Burst mode, you gain super armor for the entire duration and earn 0.1% attack speed for each point of rage you have that decreases as the numbers go down.

Massive Update today.


Basically a major overhaul with dungeon selection and item farming. Legendary and 2nd Tier Legendaries, etc, will become much easier to obtain and you can finally craft Ether Sets and other Equipment now. This change gets rid of the massive rng-based bs that end game has been suffering through (when it was previously not like this, why even), so should be good for a lot of players.

Among other things
-Ether Force Dungeons re-done, drops artifacts, legendaries at an op rate
-No more 2 runs a day limit
-Amount of Ether need to unlock dungeons has been reduced severely.

-Monster Hunter Dungeons are all available by default
-Drops increased dramatically

-Artifact Dungeons will no longer need Seal Stone for Hell.

-Dimensional Dungeons are worth something after over a year+ of being useless
-All dungeons have their Legendary sets with good rate.

-Several Bosses were nerfed
-Some glitchy skills were fixed

I'm a bit lazy to go over everything again so this is pretty much just the gist of it.

Go check the link if you want full information.

Burst Breaker: Skill translations and info

Document format of this page can be found here.

Fundamental Skills:
Dash Mastery: Must Have.
Basic Attack: No skills make use of basic attack, so you could leave 1 or no points in it at all.
Q Dodge: Useful to this class for getting out of combos.

1st Skill
단격포 - Sucker Punch
Cooldown: 4.8 seconds (No change LvMAX)
Lv1 Damage: 270% (1403% LvMAX)
Type: Strike, Fire
 Steam Gauge Charger 
Does a quick ducking punch. A very weak skill that should never be considered maxing.
Stand still after executing the punch when you awaken at level 50 to do a  Steam Gauge Charge  for your Mist Gauntlet.

1st Awakening: 진격
Doubles the striking distance of the attack.

2nd Awakening: 전율
Punching the enemy induces 2 second stun. The effect is decreased on bosses by their resistance so it's a pointless skill end game.

2nd Skill
폭염권 - Heatwave Hook
Cooldown: 10 seconds (7 seconds LvMAX)
Lv1 Damage: 352% x3 (1364% x3 LvMAX)
Type: Strike, Fire
 Steam Gauge Charger 
Does 3 Downward strikes, which can then be followed up with its passive skill 얼권갑 - Rolling Hook, finishing with an uppercut. While in the passive skill portion of the attack you receive super armor for the duration. Passive does more hits with more attack speed. Stand still after executing the uppercut after passive when you awaken at level 50 to do a  Steam Gauge Charge  for your Mist Gauntlet.

Note: Leveling this skill improves damage for its passive follow-up 얼권갑 - Rolling Hook, making it a good skill for filler damage with short cooldown while you wait on other skills to get ready.

With 얼권갑 - Rolling Hook, this skill can keep many bosses in flinch, preventing them from using super armor for an extended period of time.

1st Awakening: 철갑
Provides superarmor to the first three parts of the attack.

2nd Awakening: 압도
When Using this skill and passive on an enemy with light/super armor, overall damage increases by 50%.

EX Skill 1
단격포 - Sucker Punch EX
Consumes 1 EX Gauge
Cooldown: 3 seconds (no change LvMAX)
Lv1 Damage: 3321% (10521% LvMAX)
Super charged version of the first attack, deals decent damage when maxed and is only slightly weaker than 포도환타 - Grape Fanta. Considerable to max, though it's also ok to leave it at Level 1 for invinc frame purposes.

3rd Skill
폭얼파쇄 - Heatwave Crusher
Cooldown: 12.2 seconds (9 seconds LvMAX)
Lv1 Damage: 190% x9 (494% x9 LvMAX)
Type: Strike, Fire
Smashes the ground sending forth a magma wave that carries smaller enemies and explodes. Deals ok damage to mobs in a corner which can easily be carried with other skills, the amount of SP this skill consumes makes it iffy. This skill only has good effect on larger enemies when they're cornered.

1st Awakening: 개
Increases the amount of hits and distance this skill travels.

2nd Awakening: 진
Transforms the skill into a one shot, VERY short range ground punch with a 50% overall damage increase. While the range is abysmal and you literally have to be on the enemy in order for it to hit, the skill destroys and flinches super armored enemies and deals devastating damage, 17,000% or more when the skill itself is maxed with very quick cooldown.

Note: Although the damage is devastating, it deals very random damage within a large threshold. On top of that, you have to virtually be on the enemy in order to hit them with this skill. Leaving it at minimum level for awakening is also advisable as it's a very useful super armor disruptor.

While this skill does break super armor, it can fail to do so when certain bosses are charging in super armor mode.

4th Skill
포도환타 - Grape Fanta
Cooldown: 27.6 seconds (No Change LvMAX)
Lv1 Damage: 2874% (7482% LvMAX)
MaxLv: 14
Type: Strike, Fire
A very powerful Straight punch that destroys super armor. It's a must max when considering end game equipment for the huge potential of damage it earns.

1st Awakening: 파인환타 - Delicious Fanta
When used on Super armor, the skill gets an overall massive 75% damage increase.

2nd Awakening: 후루투환타 - Two Full Fantas
Doubles dashing distance with Grape Fanta.

5th Skill
얼권갑 - Rolling Hook
Lv1 Damage: 100% in ratio to Heatwave Hook
Type: Strike, Fire
Spam Left click any time during or at the end of 폭염권 - Heatwave Hook to gain super armor and deal a series of hooks to enemies. The damage of this skill takes a portion of the damage of 폭염권 - Heatwave Hook. Higher attack speed allows for more strikes.

6th Skill
특수기, 처참 - Special Skill, Gory
Cooldown: 7.6 seconds (no change LvMAX)
Lv1 Damage: 505% x4 (1261% x4 LvMAX)
When the enemy is knocked silly, right click to Grab the enemy and proceed punching it in the face.

7th Skill
비염 축지타 - Fire Rain Axis
Cooldown: 18 seconds (12 seconds LvMAX)
Lv1 Damage: 1482% (3,752% x .80, 1, 1.2, 1.5, or more when used right LvMAX)
MaxLv: 13
Type: Strike, Fire
A very powerful skill when used right.
Press the skill to prepare your Gauntlet, press again to start charging it. Empty Gauge is 80% of total damage, while the damage goes up as the gauge fills. Although this seems like a very slow skill, there's a special trick to this that requires some minor practice:

Note: When you press the skill you might notice a brief flash aura around his hand. Press the skill at this exact moment (approx. half a second) to execute a successful timing. The gauge will instant charge and become much more powerful, also allowing you to run around faster for a brief period of time before executing the skill. The timing is relatively easy to master and doing so makes this a very devastating attack with short cooldown.

This skill might seem like you need to judge some distance, but for smaller enemies if you use it right in front or on them you will carry them with you as you execute the attack, allowing for extra damage.

1st Awakening: 비염천격 축지파
Doubles the overall range and power of the skill on impact.

2nd Awakening: 비염승천 축지포
Greatly increases flying distance and movement speed.

8th Skill
폭염패기 - Heatwave Splitter
Cooldown: 40 seconds (20 seconds LvMAX)
Lv1 Damage: 1190% (2630% x2 LvMAX)
MaxLv: 21
Type: Strike, Fire
Steam Gauge-Powered: Consumes 1 Charge in your Mist Gauntlet
While the damage does seem rather small, this is powerful skill that should not be underestimated. Press the skill once to unleash a powerful stomp that abruptly stops all enemies in slow motion, press it again to bring down your sword on them, destroying super armor and dealing good damage.

Steam Gauge: After awakening at level 50, Using this skill with your Mist gauntlet charged up will consume one level of Steam Gauge to execute a downpour of lava from your sword when swinging it down, dealing much more massive damage than the skill normally would do.

1st Awakening: 각성기
The skill loses its ability to destroy super armor and transforms into a three step crippling fire attack. As powerful as it can get, the loss of super armor break leaves you open to many hits that can easily disrupt the skill. Striking super armored enemies with this skill is not advisable.

2nd Awakening: 위압
Doubles the Stopping effect and range of which it disrupts enemies.

9th Skill
강룡맹착 - Steel Dragon takedown
Cooldown: 43 seconds (30seconds LvMAX)
Lv1 Damage: 334% x13 (737% x13 LvMAX)
Type: Strike, Fire
This is both a terrible and a good skill.
When used on medium and smaller enemies, grabs them and runs around on fire, with minor drag on other enemies finishing off with a powerful slam.
The bad thing about this skill:
It does not do full damage on large mobs/bosses. When used on either, you will do the initial part of the skill, which does a fixed amount of damage. The numbers are pretty decent, but it is a filler damage that does NOT change when this skill is leveled. You can max this skill and you will always do the same damage to a boss or large mob.
The good thing about this skill:
Although the damage is bad and leveling has no influence on the damage dealt to large/boss monsters, it's still devastating as the skill literally rips the super armor off and disrupts them. You could leave it at level 1 because of damage but putting points into it to reduce cooldown isn't too considerable since maxing the skill would only take off 13 seconds and leaves many of your other skills weaker, at the cost of slightly more frequent armor disruption.

1st Awakening: 폭주
Duration of drag increases as well as additional hits

2nd Awakening: 질주
10% increase in damage for the final smash after dragging an enemy. Also grants a minor move speed buff when the skill is over.

10th Skill
승천포 - Ascension Upper
Cooldown: 17 seconds (9 seconds LvMAX)
Lv1 Super Armor Defense: +10% (+170% LvMAX)
Lv1 Damage: 1523% x2 (2923% x2 (more like 1st hit 10% 2nd 90%) LvMAX)
Type: Strike, Fire
Deals an uppercut. Charging grants super armor and improves the power of the skill.
This skill is very weak and deals very little damage even when maxed, so why bother? The point of this skill is that you get about 10% defense for each point in this skill while charging, making it a very tanky skill. In the end this skill isn't about damage, but rather defense.

1st Awakening: 화염승천포
Charging the skill increases the range of explosions from the uppercut.

2nd Awakening: 승천반격포
When attacked while charging the skill instantly cuts to full charge and releases uppercut. The skill does less fire damage and is overall pointless to get as the point of the skill is about its charging defense.

EX Skill 2
강룡맹착 - Steel Dragon takedown EX
Consumes 2 EX Gauge
Cooldown: 3 seconds
Lv1 Damage: 370% x40 (710% x40 LvMAX)
While the damage might look devastating it's a very bad skill even as an EX. Using this has a long invinc time when running around but the second you run into a large boss the skill cuts into its final frame and ends. Does very weak damage and should only have 1 point for invincibility purposes.

11th Skill
비천유성락 - Meteor Rain
Cooldown: 55 seconds (25 seconds LvMAX)
Lv1 Damage: 4134% (7014% LvMAX)
Type: Strike, Fire
 Steam Gauge Charger 
A very powerful skill. Press and hold to launch yourself into the air and charge up the skill for a powerful descent, dealing massive damage.
If you Jump before using this skill, you gain even more height allowing you to safely charge out of many attacks that would normally knock you out of it, and increases smash area by a little. After awakening at level 50, stand still briefly after crashing to the ground to do a  Steam Gauge Charge  for your Mist Gauntlet.

1st Awakening: 유성천근추
Increases the range of which this skill takes down aerial enemies. This is NOT an actual aoe range boost of the smash when you hit the ground, but rather how early you hit them before crashing. Useless really.

2nd Awakening: 비천운석타
Slow Debuff
Inflicts slow debuff on impact. (Approx. -20%)

12th Skill
겁나반격 - Scared Counterattack (it's a silly phrase in english really)
Cooldown: 95 seconds (45 seconds LvMAX)
Lv1 Super Armor Defense: +10% (+110% LvMAX)
Lv1 Damage: 11227% (17067% LvMAX)
Type: Strike, Fire
Does a hesitant shoulder hop. If you're attacked during the skill, turns into a massively damaging counter attack and you rush at the enemy with a powerful shoulder ram. This skill is hard to use as it is but it's very powerful and deflects countered damage.

1st Awakening: 우주반격
Transforms the skill into a chargeable counter.
If you hold down the skill to charge, any hits you take will be absorbed into additional damage. If you can withstand a lot of hits this skill proves to be very devastating upon release.
If you don't charge the skill you still do full damage of the skill with no absorbed damage bonuses.

2nd Awakening: 십라
Upon successful counterattack of a boss's attack, you deal x2 damage in return.
Very powerful but of course the skill is still very hard to use.

13th Skill
전나화산권 - Volcano
Cooldown: 110 seconds (60 seconds LvMAX)
Lv1 Super Armor Defense: +10% (+110% LvMAX)
Lv1 Damage: 440% x27 (606% x27 LvMAX)
Type: Strike, Fire
Steam Gauge-Powered: Consumes 1 Charge in your Mist Gauntlet
Hold the Skill to quickly do a strike then enter a charging stance, damaging enemies and knocking smaller ones into the air above your skill as you charge. Upon release, unleashes a powerful volcano that does more hits depending on how long you've charged and whether you've timed it correctly.

Skill provides invincibility frames while damage is being dealt.

Note: Like 비염 축지타 - Fire Rain Axis, this skill requires some practice to get the perfect timing down for the best damage. While charging the skill, midway-towards the end you'll notice your gauntlet 'explodes' into a ring-like aura. When this explosion occurs the skill is at its peak capacity for damage. Release the skill during the explosion-aura to unleash the volcano in its maximum capacity for damage and hits. If you miss or overcharge it you do less damage and hits.

Steam Gauge: After awakening at level 50, using this skill with your Mist gauntlet charged up will consume one level of Steam Gauge to execute a super powered volcano, with double the range and much more damage per hit.

1st Awakening: 열라지옥
Upon using a steam gauge-powered volcano attack, inflicts all enemies hit with a fire resistance debuff, that can stack 3 times max, for a total of about -15% fire resist. Very useful damage buildup when using other skills.

2nd Awakening: 포풍흡입
Upon using steam gauge-powered volcano attack, sucks in all enemies before unleashing the skill. Suction is minor and only occurs when charging and not during the attack.

14th Skill
룡권환착 - Stoic Dragon Arrival
Cooldown: 75 seconds (30 seconds LvMAX)
Lv1 Damage: 6968% (8768% LvMAX)
Type: Strike, Fire
Dashes forward a short distance, grabbing all small and medium-sized enemies in your way then lifting them into the sky, finishing off with a powerful slam. When used on large mobs or bosses, You press your gauntlet into the enemy, blowing away their super armor then unleashing the power of your mist gauntlet into the form of a concentrated chi-type explosion that sends you flying away from them.

This skill can be used while in midair, but will only hit massive-type enemies like boss golems if used correctly.

1st Awakening: 패기
When this skill is used on a boss, decreases the cooldown by 15 seconds, making it more spammable.

2nd Awakening: 진격룡권환착
Dashing and mob gathering distance doubles, if not a little more.

The great increase of this skill makes it very appealing for disrupting bosses quickly and closing in the gap, personally I think this is an awakening worth getting.

15th Skill
관착두두타 - Fury Fist (aka YATATATATATATATA)
Cooldown: 205 seconds (100 seconds LvMAX)
Lv1 Damage: 871% x44+ (1010% x44+ LvMAX)
MaxLv: 8
Type: Strike, Fire
Press skill when in front of an enemy to lock them into rapid punching stance. Spam left click to do multiple hits as the gauge fills. When the gauge is nearing or at max, right click to unleash a final explosive hit, dealing massive damage in ratio to all the hits you've done.

This skill instantly destroys any super armor on an enemy for the duration of its usage.
You gain invincibility frames for the duration of this skill.
Note that this skill does more hits and damage with more attack speed.

1st Awakening: 관착두두땅
Steam Gauge-Powered: Consumes ALL Charge in your Mist Gauntlet
Stun Debuff
Questionable skill in terms of strength. Transforms the skill into an earthquake-inducing attack. Depending on the gauge of your Mist Gauntlet, this skill unleashes more devastating Earthquake strikes per hit. Spam Left click to hit the Earth repeatedly, stunning and tossing all enemies in your vicinity. Finish off with right click to unleash a devastating explosion.

2nd Awakening: 관착두두퍽
Steam Gauge-Powered: Consumes 1 Charge in your Mist Gauntlet
Retains original skill usage. When you finish the skill and right click, not only does it do one final devastating explosive attack, it uses 1 steam gauge charge in your mist gauntlet to turn the monster into grenade, throwing smaller enemies far away, resulting in a second explosive attack that also deals damage in ratio to the total number of hits done.

When used on large mobs it still does the second explosive hit. Extremely powerful skill.

16th Skill
겁나개반격 - Scared Counter Strike
MaxLv: 1
Type: Passive, Fire
When hit by an enemy, press E to grab the enemie's hand and push it away. Follow this up with Q to do a powerful straight punch counter that sends enemies flying, or press E again to do a downward strike.

17th Skill
폭염권갑전개 - Heatwave Buildup
Cooldown: 80 seconds
Duration: 10 seconds
Type: Buff
Steam Gauge-Powered: Consumes ALL Charge in your Mist Gauntlet
When using this buff, you consume all the charges in your mist gauntlet to generate an attack buff for 10 seconds. Max charge gives you a massive attack buff that's roughly 45% total damage up, but you have to use it quickly as the buff begins wearing off right away.

Using Sucker Punch and Charge right after using the buff but before unleashing with a powerful attack like Fury Fist is advisable.

18th Skill
장전 - Charge
Cooldown: 30 seconds
MaxLv: 1
Type: Buff
 Steam Gauge Charger 
Gained upon awakening. When used, adds 1 Charge to your mist gauntlet.
Standing still after a full normal attack cycle will also add 1 charge to your mist gauntlet.

19th Skill
패왕가호 - Pee-wee Herman god I don't know
Cooldown: 60 seconds
Type: Buff
Very useless skill. Use to add 6 seconds of super armor and 2 seconds of any other buffs you have at the moment to other players in your party. The buff is so brief you can rarely put it to use.

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