Monday, April 21, 2014

Kritika: Menu and UI Guide

This will explain the basic functions and segments of the game.
Anything that needs full attention to detail will have their own post with redirect.

This is typically what you'll see upon entering the town after prologue,
so a little explanation:

1. System Menu
 -Pressing Esc brings this menu up. As you can see, the left side is all the System-related stuff Right side is Community stuff. Individual buttons will be explained below.

2. Chat Window 
 -Little Gear Icon lets you choose what you want to see, you can push out tabs and other stuff.

3. Channel Ticker
 -Change Channels with that instead of using the System Menu if you'd like. In Battle, it shows you the dungeon name and difficulty via color:
Easy, Normal, Hard, Heroic (aka Hell)

4. Area Map
 -In Battle, red dots indicate engaged enemies. Typically you can't move on untill all enemies are dead.
 -It's probably better for you to get familiar with the town icons yourself.

5. Quest Tracker
 -You can tag up to 5 quests to follow. When you enter a dungeon, you'll only see the quests that pertain to that particular dungeon. You'll also see a Scroll next to the dungeon name indicating you have quests there. Simple Stuff.

6. Fatigue (FTG) Gauge
 -Yes the little green gauge is a FTG bar, and yes this game runs on a FTG system.
 -Often there are events where you receive rewards or bonus buffs for consuming FTG.

7. HP Gauge and Skill Tree Indicator.
 - HP Changes colors depending on which debuff you've taken.
 Slow/Frozen - Your speed slows down or you stop completely. During super armor skills you resume the skill once freeze wears out. 
Burn - Minor/Major damage over time (dot) depending on the power of the element.
Shock - Character involuntarily flinches in intervals. Very annoying without super armor skills.
Poison - Attack hits you with fixed ratio to your max hp, then proceeds to do smaller dot damage in ratio to character hp. Nasty stuff.
Mortal Wound - The initial hit isn't so bad, but while you're inflicted with Mortal Wound any subsequent attacks will take off a % of your hp depending on how powerful the wound is.

As for the Skill Tree Indicator: You can purchase a 2nd one via cash shop or market. Pricey stuff, but you get a second skill tree. Mostly good for a PvP build alternative.

System-related (Red Button) Stuff

System Config
Graphic, Sound, Sensitivity related stuff here, as well as community settings.

Control Config
Character Combat Mode and Hotkey layout configuration can be found here.

Channel Menu
Brings up a list of all the channels and levels it's recommended for. Being on the right channel gives you an exp and item drop bonus so don't miss out on that. Alternatively, you can use the top right of your screen to change channels.

Event Board
Shows you the current Events, Cash shop deals, and Update information going on with Kritika at the moment. Clicking the banners opens a web page to that particular thing.

2nd Password
Also known as the automated foreigner banning feature. If you're not going to keep a permanent log of your 6-12 digit password and you're not Korean, then don't bother using this. If for some reason you need to see this, here's my translation.

Quit Game
I'm sure you're going to want to at some point.

Gay Pony Orgy
Something very few will ever see, unless you're into that kind of stuff you sick nasty pervert.

Community Related (Black Button) Stuff



Opening Inventory allows you to view character stats, PvP Stats, and Titles.
You'll unlock more inventory space as you level. Locked partitions indicate the level that they disappear.



Quests are usually super simple stuff. Kill Monsters, bosses, break items, return to NPC. In few occasions you'll need to "Clear All Sectors", Get "X amount of Chain kill X times", "X amount of Back Attacks", "Kill boss in X minutes", etc. I'll be sure to provide a list of these vague quests later on to use as reference.



Kinda self explanatory, right?
I'll have a big big guide of all the skill names and descriptions along with their awakenings up soon, half the classes are done at this point in time and christ am I tired from all the typing I've done for that damn thing.
-The game warns you to double check before finalizing and warns you when you're canceling your point additions, so there's some safeguards when working on your skills.
-You can right click a skill to see a video of it in action.
-Casting-type skills require you to aim the skill before it takes effect.
Warning: Smart Cast function is basically auto aim for skills, but it's very buggy depending on the map terrain. If you were to, say, aim it at an enemy standing on the side of a hill, the skill takes effect right behind your char. Use Smart Cast at your risk.

Titles and Emblems


Titles are a big part of your stats.
-Completing all the title quests for Lv1-60 Area and Dimensional Library Titles gives you Permanent Stat bonuses indicated at the bottom.
Of course, Dimensional Library is a pain in the ass since you have to do 480 Runs between four different dungeons to clear it.
-Titles also have their own stats, so that's nice.
-2nd Page is Emblems. Emblems you purchase from the cash shop as a part of a special deal or from the Market, they come with several stats.

I may do a translation of all title requirements later on. Until then, this brief description remains here.

Friend List and poking people with Right Click

I shouldn't have to explain.
Left is Friend List, Right is wot happens when you Right Click a person.
- +10 Favor when you give people on your friend list a gift. Max 5 Gifts per day.
- +50 Favor when you receive gifts. You're limited only by the amount of active friends you can find.
- You can purchase a present for 500 Favor. These have random minor items inside it.
- Ranking Stuff is purely for e-peen purposes.
Unless you're a jackass and way into those things, don't worry about it.

World Map
In case you ever wanted to see the world. It's a bit confusing to follow via the zones as reference because allm has no idea how coordination works, which is why they've actually moved area locations a few times since release. Honestly I don't think they have it down still.



Oh Boy, mail. Who's up for some Blues Clues?
-Sending people mail consumes the daily limit set by market usage so keep that in mind.




Well what did you expect from a Market.
-Just so you know, the automated "current cheapest seller" function is very accurate.

Ch. Party aka list of parties on the Channel you're currently on
No Image! Well I'm a lazy person, what do you expect from a guy who can't be bothered to post daily on his own blog?

Anyways, you can join parties and change the settings of your parties to be specific to levels and what not. Maybe I'll put up a translated image later who knows.

Opens Guild Window. Bit lazy to be doing translations for that so yeah. Perhaps later?

Opens your Cash Shop items from Events or Cash Shop Purchases. Most items don't expire unless it indicates in yellow on the item description.

※PvP aka broken and unbalanced garbage
Opens the PvP window. Word of advice, if you aren't a Shadow Mage, Cat Acrobat, Demon Blade, or Berserker, or if you're fighting these types, then prepare to have your ass handed. As far as PvP is concerned, these are the only classes in the game.

Updating parts of this guide with fixed links soon!

Kritika: Getting Started (KR)

This'll be for those playing the Korean version to get started. If you need an account find a friend in Korea. At this point in time, Hangame does NOT need a KSSN to play Kritika, as it is not an 18+ MMO, but they do need SMS verification, max 3 accounts per cell phone.
*Do not ask me for an account as I am dry, and no, no alternatives. I do not deal in illegal bs.
Find someone willing to help you with that, I'm sure there's a few sites.

Maintenance is on Thursdays 6AM KST. Earlier if it's an entire site Maint.

-Hangame Users:
-Nexon Users:

-Log in, Hit Game Start.
You'll need pop-ups unblocked as you need to install the reactor.
If you're having issues then here is the reactor. I recommend getting the latest off the site though.
-Let the game patch up and you should be good to go.

If "Click to expand" on images below is not working: Mirror

Currently this is what you should see when you first start out.
Everything's on one server.

Important: Never use this unless you're well organized.

Finally, You should have something like this, without characters.

Pick your Poison. You can have a max of 10 Characters.

Design, Name, Finalize. You can view the class videos in the 2nd Tab, but you cannot choose your profession UNTIL Level 15.
If there are any issues feel free to leave me a comment.

Monday, April 14, 2014

Kritika: Stats and damage Information guide


This is the stat window from your inventory screen. Top right button of that brings this out. This will explain what the stats do and what equipment can influence it. All the stats here can be found on your equipment, so use it as reference. I'll be sure to outline varying stat names (mostly greater/boss) when applicable.

First Segment: Basics

HP (생명)
-Becomes MP for Berserkers after level 50.

MP (마나)
-Influences Berserker's max HP.

Attack (공격력): Your basic attack stat. More attack more pain as they say.

Damage (데미지): Final influence in Attack and Ether. The percent of damage increases your actual attack/skill after all initial modifiers are considered, making it a very powerful stat.

Inc. Damage (타격당 데미지): formally Increment Damage. While a somewhat rare and difficult stat to build, this influences increasing damage in combo hits per individual enemy. Having high Inc. Damage means TONs of damage when you're able to do high combo numbers (hundreds) to a particular enemy.
- This stat best influences Dimension Controller, Cat Acrobat, and Berserker.
- Reasonable for Shadow ShamanCrimson Assassin, Mystic Guardian, and Freezing Blaster
- NOT good for Burst Breaker, Demon Blade, and Valkyrie (boss / end game anyways)

Defense (방어력): Typical defense stat. Some skills can increase defense by a percentage, and this stat is what it directly influences. By default Super Armor (when unspecified) adds 50% more defense.

Damage Reduction (받는 데미지 감소): Reduces damage done from an enemy by a percentage after defense has had its influence in reducing damage.

Inc. Damage Reduction (받는 타격당 데미지 감소): formally Increment Damage Reduction. Decreases damage done per hit in a boss or mob's combo. Unless you've been knocked into the air, you should really be using that Q or some form of counter to make this stat useless.

Ether Force (에테르포스): Powerful Stat, which also doubles as your second leveling curve. Once you reach level 60 you unlock more dungeons and Awakening Quests by gathering Ether Force from Ether dungeons. This stat transforms your base stat into a powerful secondary attack with diffuse properties.

2nd Attack (초당 공격력): Your secondary attack, which is influenced directly by your base attack, damage, speed, and Ether Force. While the number is large, it's not quite what it seems.. whenever an attack of yours hits, it deals a second hit roughly half of your initial strike, which sometimes branches into a weaker third and fourth hit. 

Second Segment: More basics

Accuracy (명중): Makes your attacks hit in full more often, more accuracy means less of you seeing the word "Graze" followed by shitty damage. When an attack deals a "Graze", you only deal 10% of your full damage in that hit. Not nice, but better than the old "Miss" stat I suppose.

Evasion (회피): Makes enemy attacks miss you more often. While this stat seems nice, there's really no way you can build up enough Evasion to make it valuable to you. The most you can really influence with Evade is roughly 5% chance of an attack missing you, so better to do without, or as unwanted as it comes on equipment.

Attack Speed (공격 속도): A nice and important stat. Attack Speed influences the speed of both your normal attack and skills, and is one of three main contributing factors to the amount of Ether Damage you do. It also influences the number of hits you do with certain skills.
- This stat best influences (extra hits) Cat Acrobat (speed queen), BerserkerBurst BreakerDemon BladeTime Mage, and Shadow Shaman.
- Reasonable for Mystic Guardian, Crimson Assassin, and Valkyrie.
- Doesn't have much influence with Freezing Blaster.

..Of course attack speed is still vital end game for all classes. skill stacking is amazing.

Movement Speed (이동 속도): Vital stat for all characters. More movement speed means easier time gaining a safe distance and vice versa, which is important in many end game dungeons.

Town Movement Speed (마을 이동 속도): Makes getting around town easier, because in two years the brilliant minds sitting around in allm devised this time saving stat when they couldn't have effing decided to add a teleport service in each town. The game is based around time distortions ffs.

Critical Rate (크리티걸): Was once a percentage stat. The reason behind this change is that some characters and equipment add Base Value Critical. This means that with Critical Rate in a numbered value, it has a more defined multiplier influence when it comes to an increased Base Value Critical. 100 Critical Rate = 5% crit rate. 1000 Critical Rate = 50% crit rate, 2000 Critical rate = 100% crit rate. Can't pass 2000 and good luck getting that high as anything but a Breaker, Assassin, or Shadow Shaman.
- This stat is valuable to all characters. 1000 Critical Rate between skills or base value is relatively easy to get end game, at the very least.

Critical Damage (크리티컬 데미지): The multiplier you do on a critical hit. By default this stat is 150%, which is x1.5 more damage on criticals, for the lazy minded.

Critical Evasion (크리티컬 회피): Do you really think many mobs or bosses do criticals.

Critical Damage Reduction (받는 크리티컬 데미지 감소):

Third Segment: Greater Mobs
[Greater] Refers to Greater Mobs, as it may come off as rather vague.
Greater mobs are basically mini bosses or rather, just tougher version of mobs.
They usually have multi-tiered health bars and different colored names than your typical mobs.
Instead of an explanation for each stat, just know that [Greater] Stats are a multiplier when added with base attack and stats. With that said, Greater stats are still pretty damn useless.

[Greater] Damage (상급 데미지)

[Greater] Inc. Damage (상급 타격당 데미지)

[Greater] Damage Reduction (상급 받는 데미지 감소 )

[Greater] Inc. Damage Reduction (상급 받는 타격당 데미지 감소 )

[Greater] Critical Damage (상급 크리티컬 데미지)

Fourth Segment: Boss Monsters
Unlike [Greater], these stats are rather valuable.
It's best to try and get boss damage with damage when it comes to equipment, when it's applicable, because the stats here are a multiplier when added with base attack and stats, making high boss damage and critical very nice.

[Boss] Damage (보스 데미지)

[Boss] Inc. Damage (보스 타격당 데미지)

[Boss] Damage Reduction (보스 받는 데미지 감소)

[Boss] Inc. Damage Reduction (보스 받는 타격당 데미지 감소)

[Boss] Critical Damage (보스 크리티컬 데미지)

Fifth Segment: Elements
Very powerful stuff this is, in high numbers anyways.
Your total damage boost when dealing elemental damage is increased by .3% per point of element.
End game, you're going to want to imbue your main weapon with an Elemental Transform Orb to make use of the increased damage and pretty benefits element stat gives.
Here's a list of effects by points of element:
30 Element = Basic elemental debuff effect (duration: 15 seconds) unlocked.
60 Element = Advanced elemental debuff effect (Lv.1 Magic) unlocked.
90 Element = Elemental attack (Lv.2 Magic) unlocked. 20% chance of casting per attack.
120 Element = Elemental Summon (Lv.3 Magic) unlocked. 10% chance of summoning per attack.
Any more obtained after 120 is just more damage.
You can gain additional element by re-rolling accessories and affixing Elemental Orbs to them.

Fire Element (화염 강화): Influences Burst Breaker the most and Dimension Controller a decent amount. All of Breaker's skills are fire attributed so imbuing your weapon makes for a nice bonus when it comes to dealing fire damage.
- Basic Fire Debuff drops enemy fire resistance by -5% and deals insignificant dot damage.
- Lv.1 Fire gives you an invisible fire shield every 5 seconds that burns enemies touching you.
- Lv.2 Fire Allows you to shoot fireballs with a 20% chance in each attack you do. Includes skill hits.
- Lv.3 Fire has a 10% chance of summoning a fire familiar of sorts to attack. Includes skill hits.
- This stat is also recommended for Dimension Controller as some of their skills benefit from fire.

Ice Element (냉기 강화): Influences Freezing Blaster the most. All of engineer's skills are ice attributed so that's always a plus.
- Basic Ice debuff drops enemy ice resistance by -5% and deals very minor slow.
- Lv.1 Ice gives you an invisible frost shield every 5 seconds that slows enemies touching you.
- Lv.2 Ice Allows you to shoot Ice shards with a 20% chance in each attack you do. Includes skill hits.
- Lv.3 Ice has a 10% chance of summoning an ice familiar of sorts to attack. Includes skill hits.
- This element is lesser considered by other classes as poison, dark, and lightning tend to be more viable.

Poison Element (독 강화): Signature element of Crimson Assassin, dark element being other choice. 
- Basic Poison debuff drops enemy poison resistance by -5% and deals dot in small ratio to hp.
- Lv.1 Poison grants you a poison mist every 5 seconds that poisons enemies touching you.
- Lv.2 Poison allows you to fire poison balls with a 20% chance in each attack. Includes skill hits.
- Lv.3 Poison summons a poison familiar of sorts with a 10% chance in each attack. Includes skill hits.
- This stat is a considerable choice for Cat Acrobat, Berserker, Valkyrie.

Lightning Element (전격 강화): Signature element of Mystic Guardian, what with all her skills being lightning imbued, and it's a helpful element at that.
- Basic Lightning debuff has a chance of disrupting an enemy completely, even bosses, also reducing defense slightly and lightning resistance by -5%.
- Lv.1 Lightning provides a shock aura every 5 seconds that can shock an enemy touching you.
- Lv.2 Lightning brings down lightning bolts with a 20% chance in each attack. Includes skill hits.
- Lv.3 Lightning summons a thunder familiar of sorts with 10% chance in each attack. Includes skill hits.
- This stat is a very considerable choice for Cat Acrobat.
- This stat is also considerable for Valkyrie.

Dark Element (어돔 강화): Signature element of Demon Blade and Shadow Shaman, as well as another useful element. Can inflict random reduction debuffs as well as bleed occasionally, which is vital to both Berserker and Assassin as well.
- Basic Darkness debuff has a chance of inflicting random reduction debuffs, Seal, and bleed.
- Lv.1 Darkness provides a shadow shield that can inflict enemies with debuffs when you're touched every 5 seconds.
- Lv.2 Darkness allows you to cast off dark mist with a 20% chance in each attack. Includes skill hits.
- Lv.3 Darkness allows you to summon a doppelganger that will mimic your last attack with a 10% chance. This also includes skill hits.
- This stat is considerable by all classes except Burst Breaker, Freezing Blaster, and Mystic Guardian.

Sixth Segment: Elemental Resistance
Really, it's a worthless stat when considering to build on equipment. Avoid it like the plague if anything.
resistance percentage influences damage reduced from the element and improved chance of avoiding debuff.

Fire Resistance (화염 저항력)

Ice Resistance (냉기 저항력)

Poison Resistance (독 저항력)

Lightning Resistance (전격 저항력)

Dark Resistance (어돔 저항력)

Any questions, feel free to comment. I'll be sure to update whenever new changes occur.

Friday, April 11, 2014

Current Progress on Kritika stuff

Berserker Skills - Translated and finalized
Shadow Shaman Skills - Translated
Cat Acrobat Skills - Translated
Burst Breaker Skills - Translated
Crimson Assassin Skills - Translated
Mystic Wolf and Demon Blade will more than likely come next, Valkyrie Translations by end of the month. I have a rough draft of Time Mage Skills that need to be updated and Ice Mage will come sometime later.

Will be making a superhuman effort to get off my ass and do photoshop documents of basic navigation and item stuff later.

I'm still not willing to do an english pack because of the instability of .apk format and all the work that would needed to be done, so doing a large image and text guide that should survive for quite awhile as the long haul of kritika changes have finally slowed down.

Seeing as my good and only friend the google bot crawler will be seeing this for the first few weeks, I have nothing more to say on this matter.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Alright it's about time I stop disappearing

Going to start a kritika super guide and all that fun stuff, finish up wot I had intend to do since I got people playing again and this'll prolly benefit the 5 other foreigners playing this who happen to find me on jewgle or wotever.

With that said be sure to look out for the new stuff, got a lot coming up that I'll try my damnedest not to let up on.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

4/29/2014*OLD*Kritika - Character Overview.

A new guide with skill translations is now up! Click here or use the top header to get there. 


Burst Breaker

My character of choice. They're very powerful, with an assortment of skills between multi hit and mega damage.. They tend to live up to their name. Burst Breaker skills consist of armor breakers, which used properly you could chain big bosses into disruption. Their skills also give them super armor, prevents them from taking a lot of damage and being disrupted so they can keep a boss or group of mobs busy.


-Prime tank character. They get up in the enemy's face and hold em down like no one's business.

-Definite team player. Able to hold a boss down for tons of damage from other team mates.

-Very easy to leash a boss in place for an extended period of time (some bosses forever).


-You'll find yourself up walls a lot with this kind of char, it can get pretty boring.

End Game effectiveness (Hero+):

-Very. Burst Breakers are pretty damn awesome when it comes to the level 60 dungeons.
This is the only "tank" character in the game, which says a lot for this class.


Berserkers tend to be very wide range hitters. As crazy as they're presented, I find them to be up to the task and pretty fun to use. They have an assortment of quick, large reaching attacks that are pretty fun to combo, but they're lacking in the super armor department. They're by no means a weak character.


-Fast, reckless, and powerful. It sounds a bit odd but once you get familiar with the skills you understand how quick they are and how they cover such a range. It's pretty damn awesome but regardless of the range and nature of skills, you have to realize this isn't a character you can just hump peoples faces with.

-Berserkers have easy maneuverability. It's vital for a character with little skill defense but it's something that needs to be practiced.


-The reckless part. Damage output is good and it can be dealt relentlessly, but Berserkers have little to no super armor utilization, and not all their wide range skills are armor breakers, nor do the armor breaking skills break 100% of the time. If you're not careful you can be killed quite easily.

End Game effectiveness (Hero+):

-I'd say they're pretty good with the level 60 dungeons. They have a bit of a safety reach with their skills and they're able to run a lot to avoid damage. It's something that does need some sort of committed practice when using a Berserker though.

Demon Blade

The samurai of the warrior classes. This character is very fast and is an absolute dpser, and quite fun as well. Demons utilize heavy multi hitting skills that bring enemies in and away from you, they can be utilized pretty well but they are by no means a big boss breaker.


-DPS Character. They bring in a hell of a lot of damage by the numbers, along with some big critical damaging skills as well, much associated with a samurai.


-While Demons are heavy dpsers and they do have some armor breaking skills that do massive damage, They can't rely on those skills to constantly lock many higher up bosses. Solo play will require a lot of maneuverability.

End Game effectiveness (Hero+):

-Hard hitters undoubtedly, but you have to move a lot to survive. This isn't a character you can be comfortable in a level 60 dungeon with 100% of the time even in team play, especially if your team isn't reliable for locking down the boss.

Witch/Ninjas/Hoochies wotever you wanna call em
from what I understand their starter name is Witch.
I find people are at a loss at what to call em.

Cat Acrobat

Cat Acrobats are funny and insanely awesome crazy combo chaining dps characters that I feel everyone should play at least once. Their skill names consist of random meowing sounds as do the usage of their skills, but they're a very easy character to use that provides endless entertainment.


-Super Combo character. It's very easy to combo with a Cat Acrobat and chains can be done effectively and can go on for quite some time with higher level skills.

-High DPS. As associated with the crazy combos, Cat Acrobat gets a LOT of hits in, and they do good damage on top of that.

-Overall a fun character. Presentation of skills will make you lol (if only for so long), but Cat Acrobats are very bright and fun, so much that they contrast heavily compared to all the other available characters.


-Can get disrupted if you're not careful. They don't utilize super armor, perhaps in one or two of their skills but for the most part you may have to rely on invincibility frames.

-Low end juggler. Small bosses are prime for cat acrobats, but the larger bosses tend to be the bane of this character and requires a lot of creativity on your part to deal with them.

-Long combos can become harmful for larger bosses. The character is presented early on as an absurdly easy comboing character that may come off as overpowered, but higher end dungeons will prove otherwise.

End Game effectiveness (Hero+):

-This character relies on other players end game wise. Cat Acrobat is a super combo lightweight character that does a lot of damage, but they cannot hold large and powerful bosses on their own effectively. As a team player they can definitely put in a hell of a lot of damage, but solo can be an extreme challenge of sorts.


Assassins are very powerful, hard hitting characters. They're not as fun early on as the other characters but they utilize a lot of heavy hitting skills that break armor effectively. Early on they kill quick and almost effortlessly, and end game they still deal a lot of damage.


-Massive damage. This character is not as quick as other characters, rather it deals well placed critical hitting skills that deal a lot of pain.

-Great evasion and maneuverability. For a character that is all about one hit wonders, they're quite flexible for movement and they have an evasion skill that also deals a ton of damage via an exploding log (log trap anyone?). Damage can be done pretty consistently.

-Decent with holding down bosses. Assassins are flexible for being big shot hitters, end game with experience, you may find that you can move quite freely and dish out tons of damage.


-Does not start out easy. Leveling can be a pain, especially solo, as your skills tend to be dull and very vulnerable until level 25+.

-Not an entertaining character to start out with. If you're taken in by flashy skills, pretty multihitters, effective survival, then Assassin will put you to sleep. They do not start out effectively, and are quite vulnerable throughout the early levels. Once they get higher in level they handle themselves very well.

-Not a 'fluid' character. Assassins deal precise damage, they hit very hard. They can teleport around and utilize some good invincibility frame, but they are a very critical hard hitting character more than anything else. Not many people will find this character fun to play because of the nature of the character and skills.

End Game effectiveness (Hero+):

-They're most definitely hard hitting, and can provide support in armor breakage as well. All around they are great solo and team players end game, With the ability to put out a lot of damage and safely avoid.

Mystic Wolf

Mystic Wolves are interesting characters as technically you'll be controlling two, your main and your wolf. You control the wolf with a set of skills, but it can also do passive damage as well. The AI can be a bit derpy but hangame has since improved the wolf to react a lot better. They're the 'lightning mage' of the game and can dps quite a lot, but armor breakage isn't exactly prime.


-Unique Play. It's an odd concept, controlling two characters at once, but it's a nice change that can be used somewhat effectively.

-High DPS character. Mystic Wolf can deal tons of consistent damage with lightning showers that prove this character to be very effective for dealing with mobs.

-Good maneuverability. Mystic Wolves can ride their wolf with a later skill that deals a lot of damage and gets them out of bad situations, they tend to have a few invincible frame skills that can be utilized effectively for avoiding damage.


Your wolf probably gets more super armor, you don't. It's strange but between the two I would imagine the actual character could put super armor to better usage :|

-Not an armor breaker. While they can do a lot of dps and large amounts of damage, they can't quite hold higher end bosses down effectively to keep dealing damage.

-Can be very annoying in team play. Depending on how you play the character you could pick up any size boss and throw them all over the map and its frustrating for other players to dps or keep the boss down. Mystic Wolves can't armor break and hold a boss down on their own so this particular skill can be frustrating for a team to deal with.

End Game effectiveness (Hero+):

They can clear mobs very well, but bosses tend to be different. Mystic Wolves need to rely on a team as their skills can only save them for so long when dealing with the bigger bosses. The nature of dps, survival skill and movement makes it so a Mystic Wolf can't quite effectively stay on a boss to deal tons of damage without taking damage in return. Team wise they do have the ability to piss everyone off though.

Wizards/Elf tards

Ice Mage

Ice Mages are very supportive, team wise they're also MVP thieves as I've gotten to know :| Ice Mages do a lot of dot, hit, freeze and slow debuffs, with a mix of low damage disruption and very powerful high damage skills. They can gather mobs effectively and rack up tons of hits on them, hence being an MVP thief. For the majority of leveling they can handle themselves very well but high end they tend to rely on other players as a shield of sorts.


-Very useful debuff character. Ice Mages can disrupt bosses and enemies with plenty of freeze and slow debuffs, making damage dealing for both yourself and team mates effective.

-Effective mob character. Ice Mages can gather mobs very effectively and make quick work of them, their seemingly low damage skills pull up tons of hits and the damage builds up quickly.

-Strong hitter. While early skills for ice mage seem very bad and do little damage, ice mages do have a set of skills that deal very large amounts of damage in quick bursts. It's an effective combination when considering the wide range of debuffs available to this character. High end Ice mages drain life from their enemies with the mix of dot and hard hitting skills, considering this they are very effective dot damage dealers.


-Boss wise they can have issues higher up. Once your disruptive skills are used you're limited to running away and trying to get in debuffs to open up space between you and the boss. This can be an issue with some mobs as well if quick usage of your skills is not an option.

End Game effectiveness (Hero+):

Not a solo player when it comes to end game bosses. They're very useful and supportive in team play, but soloing a boss is begging to die constantly as the sheer health of end game bosses drag a fight out much longer than ice mages are built for. Team play they can constantly slow and disrupt bosses for effective locking by other players.

Shadow Mage

The melee char of mages. Interesting character like Mystic Wolf, though much more simple to use. You can go from 'melee mode' with your shadow to 'ranged' whenever you send your shadow out to attack enemies, providing creative usage of gun attacks while your shadow is out dealing damage.


-Hard hitter and dps character. Dot damage and heavy hit skills do a lot of damage, throwing out your shadow allows you to make full use of your guns allowing you to keep damage consistent.

-Effective debuff character. Your shadow can do debuffs ranging from def, attack, and health reduction, to rendering a boss or enemy completely useless.

-Well balanced character. Your shadow is your primary attack and defense, when you release it to attack enemies you're essentially defenseless but you get skills to back yourself up. Utilizing your guns you can do explosive damage all around you, and three forms of gun usage, teleporting quick shots, rapid fire dps or "shotgun" type damage while your shadow's busy doing its thing. You can force the shadow off your enemy and it will render the enemy completely useless, with no super armor and defense. You can do full damage to the enemy while shadowless until it finally merges back with its shadow.


-Defenseless early on. You get the ability to throw your shadow out to hurt enemies but this leaves you vulnerable to damage until you get a certain gun skill at level 40. It's not until then you have full defensive and offensive capabilities.

End Game effectiveness (Hero+):

-Shadow Mages higher up can handle themselves fully solo and as a team player. Solo play at lv60 dungeons will most definitely require a lot of movement but it's not difficult as your skills utilize a lot of free movement and you can trap the enemy in several ways.

Time Mage

I'll get around to this later. They've changed the character up recently, so not only is he a useful time stop debuffer he's got some serious dps now.


So I got picked up on searches for kritika. lol. Well I guess I'll expand on some guides and do some brief overviews just to clear the majority of the confusion with the game. Anyways been sick, busy, tired, stressed, lots of plans. I'm gonna do the kritika shet today just for the sake of getting it out. Once thats dealt with, gonna be lazy again? I don't know. I hope not but this cough has been troubling me.

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