This is the stat window from your inventory screen. Top right button of that brings this out. This will explain what the stats do and what equipment can influence it. All the stats here can be found on your equipment, so use it as reference. I'll be sure to outline varying stat names (mostly greater/boss) when applicable.
First Segment: Basics
HP (생명)
-Becomes MP for Berserkers after level 50.
MP (마나)
-Influences Berserker's max HP.
Attack (공격력): Your basic attack stat. More attack more pain as they say.
Damage (데미지): Final influence in Attack and Ether. The percent of damage increases your actual attack/skill after all initial modifiers are considered, making it a very powerful stat.
Inc. Damage (타격당 데미지): formally Increment Damage. While a somewhat rare and difficult stat to build, this influences increasing damage in combo hits per individual enemy. Having high Inc. Damage means TONs of damage when you're able to do high combo numbers (hundreds) to a particular enemy.
- This stat best influences Dimension Controller, Cat Acrobat, and Berserker.
- Reasonable for Shadow Shaman, Crimson Assassin, Mystic Guardian, and Freezing Blaster
- NOT good for Burst Breaker, Demon Blade, and Valkyrie (boss / end game anyways)
Defense (방어력): Typical defense stat. Some skills can increase defense by a percentage, and this stat is what it directly influences. By default Super Armor (when unspecified) adds 50% more defense.
Damage Reduction (받는 데미지 감소): Reduces damage done from an enemy by a percentage after defense has had its influence in reducing damage.
Inc. Damage Reduction (받는 타격당 데미지 감소): formally Increment Damage Reduction. Decreases damage done per hit in a boss or mob's combo. Unless you've been knocked into the air, you should really be using that Q or some form of counter to make this stat useless.
Ether Force (에테르포스): Powerful Stat, which also doubles as your second leveling curve. Once you reach level 60 you unlock more dungeons and Awakening Quests by gathering Ether Force from Ether dungeons. This stat transforms your base stat into a powerful secondary attack with diffuse properties.
2nd Attack (초당 공격력): Your secondary attack, which is influenced directly by your base attack, damage, speed, and Ether Force. While the number is large, it's not quite what it seems.. whenever an attack of yours hits, it deals a second hit roughly half of your initial strike, which sometimes branches into a weaker third and fourth hit.
Second Segment: More basics
Accuracy (명중): Makes your attacks hit in full more often, more accuracy means less of you seeing the word "Graze" followed by shitty damage. When an attack deals a "Graze", you only deal 10% of your full damage in that hit. Not nice, but better than the old "Miss" stat I suppose.
Evasion (회피): Makes enemy attacks miss you more often. While this stat seems nice, there's really no way you can build up enough Evasion to make it valuable to you. The most you can really influence with Evade is roughly 5% chance of an attack missing you, so better to do without, or as unwanted as it comes on equipment.
Attack Speed (공격 속도): A nice and important stat. Attack Speed influences the speed of both your normal attack and skills, and is one of three main contributing factors to the amount of Ether Damage you do. It also influences the number of hits you do with certain skills.
- This stat best influences (extra hits) Cat Acrobat (speed queen), Berserker, Burst Breaker, Demon Blade, Time Mage, and Shadow Shaman.
- Reasonable for Mystic Guardian, Crimson Assassin, and Valkyrie.
- Doesn't have much influence with Freezing Blaster.
..Of course attack speed is still vital end game for all classes. skill stacking is amazing.
Movement Speed (이동 속도): Vital stat for all characters. More movement speed means easier time gaining a safe distance and vice versa, which is important in many end game dungeons.
Town Movement Speed (마을 이동 속도): Makes getting around town easier, because in two years the brilliant minds sitting around in allm devised this time saving stat when they couldn't have effing decided to add a teleport service in each town. The game is based around time distortions ffs.
Critical Rate (크리티걸): Was once a percentage stat. The reason behind this change is that some characters and equipment add Base Value Critical. This means that with Critical Rate in a numbered value, it has a more defined multiplier influence when it comes to an increased Base Value Critical. 100 Critical Rate = 5% crit rate. 1000 Critical Rate = 50% crit rate, 2000 Critical rate = 100% crit rate. Can't pass 2000 and good luck getting that high as anything but a Breaker, Assassin, or Shadow Shaman.
- This stat is valuable to all characters. 1000 Critical Rate between skills or base value is relatively easy to get end game, at the very least.
Critical Damage (크리티컬 데미지): The multiplier you do on a critical hit. By default this stat is 150%, which is x1.5 more damage on criticals, for the lazy minded.
Critical Evasion (크리티컬 회피): Do you really think many mobs or bosses do criticals.
Critical Damage Reduction (받는 크리티컬 데미지 감소):
Third Segment: Greater Mobs
[Greater] Refers to Greater Mobs, as it may come off as rather vague.
Greater mobs are basically mini bosses— or rather, just tougher version of mobs.
They usually have multi-tiered health bars and different colored names than your typical mobs.
Instead of an explanation for each stat, just know that [Greater] Stats are a multiplier when added with base attack and stats. With that said, Greater stats are still pretty damn useless.
[Greater] Damage (상급 데미지)
[Greater] Inc. Damage (상급 타격당 데미지)
[Greater] Damage Reduction (상급 받는 데미지 감소 )
[Greater] Inc. Damage Reduction (상급 받는 타격당 데미지 감소 )
[Greater] Critical Damage (상급 크리티컬 데미지)
Fourth Segment: Boss Monsters
Unlike [Greater], these stats are rather valuable.
It's best to try and get boss damage with damage when it comes to equipment, when it's applicable, because the stats here are a multiplier when added with base attack and stats, making high boss damage and critical very nice.
[Boss] Damage (보스 데미지)
[Boss] Inc. Damage (보스 타격당 데미지)
[Boss] Damage Reduction (보스 받는 데미지 감소)
[Boss] Inc. Damage Reduction (보스 받는 타격당 데미지 감소)
[Boss] Critical Damage (보스 크리티컬 데미지)
Fifth Segment: Elements
Very powerful stuff this is, in high numbers anyways.
Your total damage boost when dealing elemental damage is increased by .3% per point of element.
End game, you're going to want to imbue your main weapon with an Elemental Transform Orb to make use of the increased damage and pretty benefits element stat gives.
Here's a list of effects by points of element:
30 Element = Basic elemental debuff effect (duration: 15 seconds) unlocked.
60 Element = Advanced elemental debuff effect (Lv.1 Magic) unlocked.
90 Element = Elemental attack (Lv.2 Magic) unlocked. 20% chance of casting per attack.
120 Element = Elemental Summon (Lv.3 Magic) unlocked. 10% chance of summoning per attack.
Any more obtained after 120 is just more damage.
You can gain additional element by re-rolling accessories and affixing Elemental Orbs to them.
Fire Element (화염 강화): Influences Burst Breaker the most and Dimension Controller a decent amount. All of Breaker's skills are fire attributed so imbuing your weapon makes for a nice bonus when it comes to dealing fire damage.
- Basic Fire Debuff drops enemy fire resistance by -5% and deals insignificant dot damage.
- Lv.1 Fire gives you an invisible fire shield every 5 seconds that burns enemies touching you.
- Lv.2 Fire Allows you to shoot fireballs with a 20% chance in each attack you do. Includes skill hits.
- Lv.3 Fire has a 10% chance of summoning a fire familiar of sorts to attack. Includes skill hits.
- This stat is also recommended for Dimension Controller as some of their skills benefit from fire.
Ice Element (냉기 강화): Influences Freezing Blaster the most. All of engineer's skills are ice attributed so that's always a plus.
- Basic Ice debuff drops enemy ice resistance by -5% and deals very minor slow.
- Lv.1 Ice gives you an invisible frost shield every 5 seconds that slows enemies touching you.
- Lv.2 Ice Allows you to shoot Ice shards with a 20% chance in each attack you do. Includes skill hits.
- Lv.3 Ice has a 10% chance of summoning an ice familiar of sorts to attack. Includes skill hits.
- This element is lesser considered by other classes as poison, dark, and lightning tend to be more viable.
Poison Element (독 강화): Signature element of Crimson Assassin, dark element being other choice.
- Basic Poison debuff drops enemy poison resistance by -5% and deals dot in small ratio to hp.
- Lv.1 Poison grants you a poison mist every 5 seconds that poisons enemies touching you.
- Lv.2 Poison allows you to fire poison balls with a 20% chance in each attack. Includes skill hits.
- Lv.3 Poison summons a poison familiar of sorts with a 10% chance in each attack. Includes skill hits.
- This stat is a considerable choice for Cat Acrobat, Berserker, Valkyrie.
Lightning Element (전격 강화): Signature element of Mystic Guardian, what with all her skills being lightning imbued, and it's a helpful element at that.
- Basic Lightning debuff has a chance of disrupting an enemy completely, even bosses, also reducing defense slightly and lightning resistance by -5%.
- Lv.1 Lightning provides a shock aura every 5 seconds that can shock an enemy touching you.
- Lv.2 Lightning brings down lightning bolts with a 20% chance in each attack. Includes skill hits.
- Lv.3 Lightning summons a thunder familiar of sorts with 10% chance in each attack. Includes skill hits.
- This stat is a very considerable choice for Cat Acrobat.
- This stat is also considerable for Valkyrie.
Dark Element (어돔 강화): Signature element of Demon Blade and Shadow Shaman, as well as another useful element. Can inflict random reduction debuffs as well as bleed occasionally, which is vital to both Berserker and Assassin as well.
- Basic Darkness debuff has a chance of inflicting random reduction debuffs, Seal, and bleed.
- Lv.1 Darkness provides a shadow shield that can inflict enemies with debuffs when you're touched every 5 seconds.
- Lv.2 Darkness allows you to cast off dark mist with a 20% chance in each attack. Includes skill hits.
- Lv.3 Darkness allows you to summon a doppelganger that will mimic your last attack with a 10% chance. This also includes skill hits.
- This stat is considerable by all classes except Burst Breaker, Freezing Blaster, and Mystic Guardian.
Sixth Segment: Elemental Resistance
Really, it's a worthless stat when considering to build on equipment. Avoid it like the plague if anything.
resistance percentage influences damage reduced from the element and improved chance of avoiding debuff.
Fire Resistance (화염 저항력)
Ice Resistance (냉기 저항력)
Poison Resistance (독 저항력)
Lightning Resistance (전격 저항력)
Dark Resistance (어돔 저항력)
Any questions, feel free to comment. I'll be sure to update whenever new changes occur.