Document format of this post can be found here.
Fundamental Skills
Dash/Tele: Must have.
Basic Attack: Apparently this still affects gun attacks while Alteo is out doing his thing, so leveling it is considerable for consistent damage.
Q Dodge: Never hurts to have.
1st Skill
크라첸 킨하켄 - Shadow kinhaken (Shadow break Catalyst)
Cooldown: 5.7 seconds
Lv1 Damage: 315% (1614% LvMAX)
Type: Active
Fires once to knock enemy into the air. Press the skill again to strike the enemy once more with Shadow Alteo.
1st Awakening: 팡잔
Transform skill usage so when you hold down the skill, you blast the enemy away with a shadow strike. total damage is increased by 30%.
2nd Awakening: 앙그리프
Retains old skill usage. when you press the skill a second time, Shadow Alteo strikes twice. Damage per hit decreased by 30%, but the overall damage is stronger.
2nd Skill
특수기, 둥켈 그리프 - Special Grab
Cooldown: 7.6 seconds
Lv1 Damage: 394%
Type: Contextual
Right click when an enemy has been knocked silly to grab them and slam them down. During this animation you are invincible. This only works on medium/Small enemies.
3rd Skill
슈발츠 지클론 - Shadow Cyclone (Shadow break Catalyst)
Cooldown: 14 seconds (11 seconds LvMAX)
Lv1 Damage: 89% x13 (345% x13 LvMAX)
Slow Debuff
Max amount of debuff stack: 3
Type: Active
Casts a Shadow Cyclone around yourself that damages nearby enemies. Applies a slow debuff that can be stacked. Note that this debuff does not work well in end game dungeons.
1st Awakening: 아우프슈티크
Reduces the duration of the skill to 1 second but does twice the hits for double the damage. Debuff still applies.
2nd Awakening: 플로크
Increases the duration of the skill and the number of hits, and can be dropped anywhere you cast it. Debuff still applies.
Class Advancement Skill
알터 위버브링어 - Alteo Weaver
Alteo Weaver Attack type: Strike and Stab (Melee)
Player type (when shadow released): Shooting
Elemental class damage: Dark
This is your mastery as a Shadow Shaman. You've made a contract with a shadow demon of the other world known as Gespenst/Alteo Weaver.
Normal attacks consist of basic slashes that bring enemies in. When released using certain skills, You can follow up with 3 different types of basic shooting attacks depending on the movments made. Note that dash attacks while the shadow is released are relatively the best ones, if anything.
4th Skill
게슈펜스트 쿠알 - Gespenst Call
Cooldown: 21.5 seconds (15.1 seconds LvMAX)
Lv1 Damage 205% x9 (533% x9 LvMAX)
Type: Active
Drops a trap door for Alteo to surprise unaware enemies that walk over it.
1st Awakening: 플루흐
Mental Breakdown Debuff
Max amount of debuff stack: 10
Strikes from Alteo add a specialized debuff called "mental breakdown", reducing their resistances. The final three hits will add mental breakdown damage. When the mental breakdown stack reaches 10 on an enemy or boss, their movement speed is reduced by 50% for 5 seconds while they attempt to run away.
2nd Awakening: 슈탐피터
Alteo is released from his dormant state and goes forward to attack enemies, bringing them to you as you fire on them.
5th Skill
샤텐 그리프 - Shadow Grip
Cooldown: 14 seconds (10.1 seconds LvMAX)
Lv1 Damage: 831% (2163% LvMAX)
Type: Active
Alteo Conjures a hand that rushes forth and crushes the enemy. Hitbox is in front of your character and provides flinch damage.
1st Awakening: 리투스
Turns the skill into an uppercut, Hitting closer to your character and increasing the overall damage by 20%
2nd Awakening: 슈테어쿵.
Same as the original skill, except the enemy has been tagged with a seal that prevents any movement or actions being made for one second. Each level added to this skill increases duration by 1 second. Note that this does not work on all bosses.
EX Skill 1
크라첸 킨하켄 - Kinhaken EX
Consumes 1 EX Gauge
Press TAB to activate EX. Use Kinhaken to execute.
No detail will be added about this skill as it is a skill used purely for invincibility frames. This is an important skill to use to save yourself from skills that would otherwise do you in with one hit. 1 point should be placed in this only.
6th Skill
슈테힌 - Shooting (Stinger)
Cooldown: 12.4 seconds (7.6 seconds LvMAX)
Lv1 Damage: 1167% (3039% LvMAX)
Type: Active
This skill can be used while Alteo is released
This skill works in conjunction with Passive skill 슈발츠 그라이픈 - Shooting Kuraiten.
Dashes forward towards the enemy and fires gun point blank, providing decent damage and knockback. Inflicts enemy with Darkness debuff.
1st Awakening: 라둥
Hold skill to charge up energy, releasing into a powerful and damaging dash and knockback. Breaks super armor easily.
2nd Awakening: 라머
Changes your skill into a ground slam with 30% total damage up.
7th Skill
샤텐 크라츠 - Shadow Grasp
Cooldown: 33 seconds (20 seconds LvMAX)
Lv1 Damage: 406% x6 (896% x6 LvMAX)
Type: Active
Alteo Summons giant claws and rakes in enemies.
1st Awakening: 그뢰서
Overall range of the attack increases.
2nd Awakening: 플루흐
Mental Breakdown Debuff
Max amount of debuff stack: 10
Works in conjunction with 게슈펜스트 쿠알 - Gespenst Call
The final three hits will add mental breakdown damage. When the mental breakdown stack reaches 10 on an enemy or boss, their movement speed is reduced by 50% for 5 seconds while they attempt to run away.
8th Skill
슈발츠 그라이픈 - Shooting Kuraiten
No Cooldown
Critical rate: 0.75% x skill level (15% Crit rate LvMAX)
Aspd Increase: 0.50% x skill level (10% Aspd LvMAX)
Type: Passive
Whenever 슈테힌 - Shooting (Stinger) is used, you receive a 16 second buff that increases your crit rate and aspd multiplied by the level of the skill. This is a valuable skill to max.
9th Skill
크라이젠 슈라크 - Kuraijen Shock
Cooldown: 20 seconds (10 LvMAX)
Lv1 Damage: 485% ×6 (1072% x6 LvMAX)
Type: Active
This skill can be used while Alteo is released
A very powerful skill. Press to enter gunslinging stance then spam left click to rapid fire. Dash and Jump buttons cancel out of the skill.
1st Awakening: 추사츠
Increases the number of shots, dealing well over 10k% dmg and increases the range by 10M.
2nd Awakening: 쿠겔슈트롬
Jumps over enemy and Shoots down. Useful in very few occasions.
10th Skill
둥켈 크빌 - Shadow Tag
Cooldown: 31 seconds (15 seconds LvMAX)
Lv1 Damage: 1523% (2923% LvMAX)
Type: Active
Tracer Debuff duration: 10 seconds
This skill can be used while Alteo is released
Snares enemies with a darkness tracer, and the first one hit becomes tagged. Press the skill again to automatically teleport to the tagged enemy and fire off a powerful round. Teleportion provides a brief invincibility period.
1st Awakening: 라둥
Charge skill to release a shockwave of darkness. Press skill again when the enemy is tagged to teleport, firing all around while spinning. Both teleporting and spinning status makes you become invincible to all attacks.
2nd Awakening: 폴터가이스트
2 press attack. Tags the enemy with a darkness debuff tracer. Spam the skill key from any distance to fire Dark shots at the enemy for a minimum of 10 hits. The more attack speed, the more hits can be dealt with a 15% damage boost per hit.
EX Skill 2
게슈펜스트 쿠알 - Gespenst Call EX
Consumes 2 EX Gauge
Press TAB to activate. Use Gespenst Call to execute.
Again, this is used for invincibility frame purposes. It's best to leave 1 skill point in here. Though the damage is good, It's very hard to use and it's quite difficult to get two EX gauge in the middle of a boss fight without a failing rank.
11th Skill
샤텐 크락 - Shadow Clap
Cooldown: 44 seconds (20 seconds LvMAX)
Lv1 Damage: 3790% (6430% LvMAX)
Type: Active
Alteo Summons large hands to crush the enemies together. Useful with a wide range of skills.
1st Awakening: 그뢰서
Increases overall range of the hands.
2nd Awakening: 슐라크벨러
Movement Lock Debuff
Prevents enemy from moving for 2 seconds. Each level of this skill adds an additional 2 seconds. Bosses can resist the duration of this debuff.
12th Skill
샤텐 스플리터 - Shadow Splitter
Cooldown: 110 seconds (60 seconds LvMAX)
Lv1 Damage: 4037% (6137% LvMAX)
Type: Active
Alter Ego Debuff
Very important skill. Knocks the shadow out of the enemy it is used on, creating an alter ego from their shadow. While the enemy has lost their shadow they lose their super armor and take a constant damage while the shadow is being hit. The Shadow also builds up 10% of the damage you're dealing in every 2nd skill.
1st Awakening: 슈메르츠
Holds 50% damage instead of the usual 10%
2nd Awakening: 푸펜
When the enemy is knocked out of their shadow, the shadow is forced to stand up to all attacks, and will not find its host, allowing for more consistent and longer damage.
13th skill
아우스바이더스 - Armor breaker
Cooldown: 60 seconds
Duration: 10 seconds
Type: Buff
Armor reduction debuff : 0.5% per level
Max amount of debuff stack: 6
Casting the skill gives you 0.5 seconds invincibility frame. Once the skill is cast you have 10 seconds of armor piercing debuff that can stack 6 times. Though brief, the skill is useful for many bosses. Stack duration is roughly 10 seconds.
1st Awakening: 슈뵈헨
Allows the debuff to manifest through all your skills rather than just your normal attacks.
2nd Awakening: 라우쉬
Max LV:4
Transforms Armor breaker into a weird buff.
Basic duration of Armor breaker is reduced by 1 second
Basic Attack speed increases by 3%
Cooldown of class skills reduced by 1 second
Reduces duration of Armor breaker by 1 second per level
Adds 3% more aspd per level
Reduces the cooldown of class skills by 1 second per level
14th Skill
카노네 스툼빈드 - Gunkata
Cooldown: 85 seconds (35 seconds LvMAX)
Gunshot interval: 0.2 seconds
Lv1 Damage: 566% x18 (779% x18 LvMAX)
Type: Active
This skill can be used while Alteo is released
Large aoe firing skill that completely ignores super armor. Used correctly, this can provide an opening for infinite flinch damage for bosses.
1st Awakening: 슈트로이슈스
Doubles the number of attacks you do. Very powerful.
2nd Awakening: 블릿츠슈넬
Press the movement key to teleport in that direction. With good timing can avoid certain attacks.
15th Skill
운터강 슐로스 - Destruction Toss (aka Washingmachine)
Cooldown: 95 seconds (50 seconds LvMAX)
Lv1 Damage: 612% x22 (770% x22 LvMAX)
Type: Active
Although damaging, this skill is very difficult to use. Sends Alteo out and upon contact with enemy, turns into a damaging whirlpool. If he misses his target it's a waste of a skill. Hard to use on bosses because they can easily walk away.
1st Awakening: 슈프랭궁
The skill destoys super armor and takes the culmulative damage in one burst, with a 130% total increase to the damage value. Currently this awakening does NOT remove super armor. This may be a sudden nerf or bug as there was no announcement to the change.
2nd Awakening: 모라스트
Turns Alteo into a vacuum. Can safely fire him in any direction and he absorbs enemies in a massive 15M radius. Leveling this skill only increases the speed of which he absorbs enemies to him. Works on bosses.
16th Skill
샤텐베커 - Shadow Breaker
Type: Passive
Transforms all shooting skills into skill damage boosters. The catch is this passive starts off with a 2% overall dmg boost with 1% gained each level. The duration of this passive buff is always 3 seconds. Once a shooting skill is used their dmg is boosted by this skill, but you have only 3 seconds to follow up with any other skill to take effective of the damage this skill provides.
It's not worth investing points into this skill unless you want to max it, and even then it's a very tough passive to work with.
17th Skill
게슈펜스트 하켄 - Gespenst Haken (Judgement)
Cooldown: 205 seconds (100 seconds LvMAX)
Lv1 damage: 29,725% (33,901% LvMAX)
Type: Active
The ultimate skill. Alteo rises with full form and smashes the enemy, destroying their super armor and dealing massive damage. Perfect linking skill for followup since it always destroys Super armor quickly.
1st Awakening: 브레헨
Smashes down upon the enemy three times, each hit is 25% stronger for a grand damage total increase by 50%. Destroys Super Armor.
2nd Awakening: 도르넨파트
Life deteriorate Debuff
Smashes the enemy and brings forth the eternal prison. For 10 seconds, enemies are locked in and cannot escape the prison. For the entire duration, the enemy loses 1% of their max hp for a total of 10% of their entire hp lost. Works on bosses, but very large bosses/special condition bosses may be able to escape.
Fundamental Skills
Dash/Tele: Must have.
Basic Attack: Apparently this still affects gun attacks while Alteo is out doing his thing, so leveling it is considerable for consistent damage.
Q Dodge: Never hurts to have.
1st Skill
크라첸 킨하켄 - Shadow kinhaken (Shadow break Catalyst)
Cooldown: 5.7 seconds
Lv1 Damage: 315% (1614% LvMAX)
Type: Active
Fires once to knock enemy into the air. Press the skill again to strike the enemy once more with Shadow Alteo.
1st Awakening: 팡잔
Transform skill usage so when you hold down the skill, you blast the enemy away with a shadow strike. total damage is increased by 30%.
2nd Awakening: 앙그리프
Retains old skill usage. when you press the skill a second time, Shadow Alteo strikes twice. Damage per hit decreased by 30%, but the overall damage is stronger.
2nd Skill
특수기, 둥켈 그리프 - Special Grab
Cooldown: 7.6 seconds
Lv1 Damage: 394%
Type: Contextual
Right click when an enemy has been knocked silly to grab them and slam them down. During this animation you are invincible. This only works on medium/Small enemies.
3rd Skill
슈발츠 지클론 - Shadow Cyclone (Shadow break Catalyst)
Cooldown: 14 seconds (11 seconds LvMAX)
Lv1 Damage: 89% x13 (345% x13 LvMAX)
Slow Debuff
Max amount of debuff stack: 3
Type: Active
Casts a Shadow Cyclone around yourself that damages nearby enemies. Applies a slow debuff that can be stacked. Note that this debuff does not work well in end game dungeons.
1st Awakening: 아우프슈티크
Reduces the duration of the skill to 1 second but does twice the hits for double the damage. Debuff still applies.
2nd Awakening: 플로크
Increases the duration of the skill and the number of hits, and can be dropped anywhere you cast it. Debuff still applies.
Class Advancement Skill
알터 위버브링어 - Alteo Weaver
Alteo Weaver Attack type: Strike and Stab (Melee)
Player type (when shadow released): Shooting
Elemental class damage: Dark
This is your mastery as a Shadow Shaman. You've made a contract with a shadow demon of the other world known as Gespenst/Alteo Weaver.
Normal attacks consist of basic slashes that bring enemies in. When released using certain skills, You can follow up with 3 different types of basic shooting attacks depending on the movments made. Note that dash attacks while the shadow is released are relatively the best ones, if anything.
4th Skill
게슈펜스트 쿠알 - Gespenst Call
Cooldown: 21.5 seconds (15.1 seconds LvMAX)
Lv1 Damage 205% x9 (533% x9 LvMAX)
Type: Active
Drops a trap door for Alteo to surprise unaware enemies that walk over it.
1st Awakening: 플루흐
Mental Breakdown Debuff
Max amount of debuff stack: 10
Strikes from Alteo add a specialized debuff called "mental breakdown", reducing their resistances. The final three hits will add mental breakdown damage. When the mental breakdown stack reaches 10 on an enemy or boss, their movement speed is reduced by 50% for 5 seconds while they attempt to run away.
2nd Awakening: 슈탐피터
Alteo is released from his dormant state and goes forward to attack enemies, bringing them to you as you fire on them.
5th Skill
샤텐 그리프 - Shadow Grip
Cooldown: 14 seconds (10.1 seconds LvMAX)
Lv1 Damage: 831% (2163% LvMAX)
Type: Active
Alteo Conjures a hand that rushes forth and crushes the enemy. Hitbox is in front of your character and provides flinch damage.
1st Awakening: 리투스
Turns the skill into an uppercut, Hitting closer to your character and increasing the overall damage by 20%
2nd Awakening: 슈테어쿵.
Same as the original skill, except the enemy has been tagged with a seal that prevents any movement or actions being made for one second. Each level added to this skill increases duration by 1 second. Note that this does not work on all bosses.
EX Skill 1
크라첸 킨하켄 - Kinhaken EX
Consumes 1 EX Gauge
Press TAB to activate EX. Use Kinhaken to execute.
No detail will be added about this skill as it is a skill used purely for invincibility frames. This is an important skill to use to save yourself from skills that would otherwise do you in with one hit. 1 point should be placed in this only.
6th Skill
슈테힌 - Shooting (Stinger)
Cooldown: 12.4 seconds (7.6 seconds LvMAX)
Lv1 Damage: 1167% (3039% LvMAX)
Type: Active
This skill can be used while Alteo is released
This skill works in conjunction with Passive skill 슈발츠 그라이픈 - Shooting Kuraiten.
Dashes forward towards the enemy and fires gun point blank, providing decent damage and knockback. Inflicts enemy with Darkness debuff.
1st Awakening: 라둥
Hold skill to charge up energy, releasing into a powerful and damaging dash and knockback. Breaks super armor easily.
2nd Awakening: 라머
Changes your skill into a ground slam with 30% total damage up.
7th Skill
샤텐 크라츠 - Shadow Grasp
Cooldown: 33 seconds (20 seconds LvMAX)
Lv1 Damage: 406% x6 (896% x6 LvMAX)
Type: Active
Alteo Summons giant claws and rakes in enemies.
1st Awakening: 그뢰서
Overall range of the attack increases.
2nd Awakening: 플루흐
Mental Breakdown Debuff
Max amount of debuff stack: 10
Works in conjunction with 게슈펜스트 쿠알 - Gespenst Call
The final three hits will add mental breakdown damage. When the mental breakdown stack reaches 10 on an enemy or boss, their movement speed is reduced by 50% for 5 seconds while they attempt to run away.
8th Skill
슈발츠 그라이픈 - Shooting Kuraiten
No Cooldown
Critical rate: 0.75% x skill level (15% Crit rate LvMAX)
Aspd Increase: 0.50% x skill level (10% Aspd LvMAX)
Type: Passive
Whenever 슈테힌 - Shooting (Stinger) is used, you receive a 16 second buff that increases your crit rate and aspd multiplied by the level of the skill. This is a valuable skill to max.
9th Skill
크라이젠 슈라크 - Kuraijen Shock
Cooldown: 20 seconds (10 LvMAX)
Lv1 Damage: 485% ×6 (1072% x6 LvMAX)
Type: Active
This skill can be used while Alteo is released
A very powerful skill. Press to enter gunslinging stance then spam left click to rapid fire. Dash and Jump buttons cancel out of the skill.
1st Awakening: 추사츠
Increases the number of shots, dealing well over 10k% dmg and increases the range by 10M.
2nd Awakening: 쿠겔슈트롬
Jumps over enemy and Shoots down. Useful in very few occasions.
10th Skill
둥켈 크빌 - Shadow Tag
Cooldown: 31 seconds (15 seconds LvMAX)
Lv1 Damage: 1523% (2923% LvMAX)
Type: Active
Tracer Debuff duration: 10 seconds
This skill can be used while Alteo is released
Snares enemies with a darkness tracer, and the first one hit becomes tagged. Press the skill again to automatically teleport to the tagged enemy and fire off a powerful round. Teleportion provides a brief invincibility period.
1st Awakening: 라둥
Charge skill to release a shockwave of darkness. Press skill again when the enemy is tagged to teleport, firing all around while spinning. Both teleporting and spinning status makes you become invincible to all attacks.
2nd Awakening: 폴터가이스트
2 press attack. Tags the enemy with a darkness debuff tracer. Spam the skill key from any distance to fire Dark shots at the enemy for a minimum of 10 hits. The more attack speed, the more hits can be dealt with a 15% damage boost per hit.
EX Skill 2
게슈펜스트 쿠알 - Gespenst Call EX
Consumes 2 EX Gauge
Press TAB to activate. Use Gespenst Call to execute.
Again, this is used for invincibility frame purposes. It's best to leave 1 skill point in here. Though the damage is good, It's very hard to use and it's quite difficult to get two EX gauge in the middle of a boss fight without a failing rank.
11th Skill
샤텐 크락 - Shadow Clap
Cooldown: 44 seconds (20 seconds LvMAX)
Lv1 Damage: 3790% (6430% LvMAX)
Type: Active
Alteo Summons large hands to crush the enemies together. Useful with a wide range of skills.
1st Awakening: 그뢰서
Increases overall range of the hands.
2nd Awakening: 슐라크벨러
Movement Lock Debuff
Prevents enemy from moving for 2 seconds. Each level of this skill adds an additional 2 seconds. Bosses can resist the duration of this debuff.
12th Skill
샤텐 스플리터 - Shadow Splitter
Cooldown: 110 seconds (60 seconds LvMAX)
Lv1 Damage: 4037% (6137% LvMAX)
Type: Active
Alter Ego Debuff
Very important skill. Knocks the shadow out of the enemy it is used on, creating an alter ego from their shadow. While the enemy has lost their shadow they lose their super armor and take a constant damage while the shadow is being hit. The Shadow also builds up 10% of the damage you're dealing in every 2nd skill.
1st Awakening: 슈메르츠
Holds 50% damage instead of the usual 10%
2nd Awakening: 푸펜
When the enemy is knocked out of their shadow, the shadow is forced to stand up to all attacks, and will not find its host, allowing for more consistent and longer damage.
13th skill
아우스바이더스 - Armor breaker
Cooldown: 60 seconds
Duration: 10 seconds
Type: Buff
Armor reduction debuff : 0.5% per level
Max amount of debuff stack: 6
Casting the skill gives you 0.5 seconds invincibility frame. Once the skill is cast you have 10 seconds of armor piercing debuff that can stack 6 times. Though brief, the skill is useful for many bosses. Stack duration is roughly 10 seconds.
1st Awakening: 슈뵈헨
Allows the debuff to manifest through all your skills rather than just your normal attacks.
2nd Awakening: 라우쉬
Max LV:4
Transforms Armor breaker into a weird buff.
Basic duration of Armor breaker is reduced by 1 second
Basic Attack speed increases by 3%
Cooldown of class skills reduced by 1 second
Reduces duration of Armor breaker by 1 second per level
Adds 3% more aspd per level
Reduces the cooldown of class skills by 1 second per level
14th Skill
카노네 스툼빈드 - Gunkata
Cooldown: 85 seconds (35 seconds LvMAX)
Gunshot interval: 0.2 seconds
Lv1 Damage: 566% x18 (779% x18 LvMAX)
Type: Active
This skill can be used while Alteo is released
Large aoe firing skill that completely ignores super armor. Used correctly, this can provide an opening for infinite flinch damage for bosses.
1st Awakening: 슈트로이슈스
Doubles the number of attacks you do. Very powerful.
2nd Awakening: 블릿츠슈넬
Press the movement key to teleport in that direction. With good timing can avoid certain attacks.
15th Skill
운터강 슐로스 - Destruction Toss (aka Washingmachine)
Cooldown: 95 seconds (50 seconds LvMAX)
Lv1 Damage: 612% x22 (770% x22 LvMAX)
Type: Active
Although damaging, this skill is very difficult to use. Sends Alteo out and upon contact with enemy, turns into a damaging whirlpool. If he misses his target it's a waste of a skill. Hard to use on bosses because they can easily walk away.
1st Awakening: 슈프랭궁
The skill destoys super armor and takes the culmulative damage in one burst, with a 130% total increase to the damage value. Currently this awakening does NOT remove super armor. This may be a sudden nerf or bug as there was no announcement to the change.
2nd Awakening: 모라스트
Turns Alteo into a vacuum. Can safely fire him in any direction and he absorbs enemies in a massive 15M radius. Leveling this skill only increases the speed of which he absorbs enemies to him. Works on bosses.
16th Skill
샤텐베커 - Shadow Breaker
Type: Passive
Transforms all shooting skills into skill damage boosters. The catch is this passive starts off with a 2% overall dmg boost with 1% gained each level. The duration of this passive buff is always 3 seconds. Once a shooting skill is used their dmg is boosted by this skill, but you have only 3 seconds to follow up with any other skill to take effective of the damage this skill provides.
It's not worth investing points into this skill unless you want to max it, and even then it's a very tough passive to work with.
17th Skill
게슈펜스트 하켄 - Gespenst Haken (Judgement)
Cooldown: 205 seconds (100 seconds LvMAX)
Lv1 damage: 29,725% (33,901% LvMAX)
Type: Active
The ultimate skill. Alteo rises with full form and smashes the enemy, destroying their super armor and dealing massive damage. Perfect linking skill for followup since it always destroys Super armor quickly.
1st Awakening: 브레헨
Smashes down upon the enemy three times, each hit is 25% stronger for a grand damage total increase by 50%. Destroys Super Armor.
2nd Awakening: 도르넨파트
Life deteriorate Debuff
Smashes the enemy and brings forth the eternal prison. For 10 seconds, enemies are locked in and cannot escape the prison. For the entire duration, the enemy loses 1% of their max hp for a total of 10% of their entire hp lost. Works on bosses, but very large bosses/special condition bosses may be able to escape.